Here you can find all the details of the event, along with copious amounts of info on all types of eclipses and other interesting things....

About a week ago we had the 'big snowstorm'. The 30-40 mile an hour winds provided these really nice snow wave all across the field. Also some major drifts right in front of the garage.
Even though our woodpiles are covered on top, those winds blew snow up into the pile. Not from the ends of the pieces, but right against the sides of them. I took these photos today after digging about two feet into the pile. Still all the wood is encased in snow, even in the very center of the pile.
This is just to the left of the view above. No air space in this wood pile, all air was replaced by wind driven snow. I've never seen snow get into a covered pile like this......
Hailee and Chris were up again this weekend. Never a dull moment....
We've got this pancake routine down pat. Hailee knows where all the ingredients are, she's expert at cracking the eggs, and helps with all phases of the project.
Today I did a little logging. O.K., call it firewooding. I located a couple of standing dead trees, one ironwood, one maple. I cut them and turned them into firewood for the lodge.
That trailer is the handiest thing we've gotten in a long time.
We're still working slowly on packing and moving (me more slowly than Peg), but I believe I will get in gear properly after the holidays. Tomorrow I start my winter vacation and will not return to work until January 3rd!!
Have a good holiday season!