Weekend before last Peg and I went to Marinette to attend Yram's house warming party. Weather was nice, the lake was awesome and food and drink was not in short supply.....
The following monday I noticed this message scratched into the sand in front of the garage. It's a little hard to make out but it said "Hi, Gene". Almost a week later I found out that Big Stick had stopped in on the weekend. To bad I wasn't here, I could have put him to work putting shingles on the roof....

During the following evenings Ivan and I finished shingling the west side of the roof and next day put the starter strip on the east side eave and set up all the marks for chalklines later on. Peg got a good start on the east side one evening (this pic is from the west). I have been avoiding the shingling...

In fact one night I was hiding out near the lodge but Peg found me anyway.... I guess I need taller flowers to hide behind.

This is Peg's start from nearly a week ago, and it still looks like this today. Peg has been busy with other things, and I have been avoiding the roof.

Mid to late last week I determined to finish putting the plywood on the walls. That took 1.5 evenings, and then I spent a couple evenings putting the plywood on the gable ends. That was a treat on my own, but I managed.

Saturday I finished nailing the last of the plywood and then started on the Tyvek house wrap. A vapor barrior used in place of tarpaper. I had heard that tarpaper retained too much heat and was not the best to use behind the vinyl siding we are planning on using. The wrap was 9 feet wide on a 100' roll, and the idea is to have as few breaks in the wrap as possible. I got a little bad start on the east side and had to cut the wrap at the southeast corner, but then was able to make it across the south and up the west wall without incident.

While I was working on this, I was heating some baked beans and brats in the grill. I had a nice little picnic lunch at 5:30 in the afternoon, then finished stapling the Tyvek at the top of the three walls I had done.

It was starting to look like a house at this point. I had hoped to get all the wrap done on Saturday, but it was too much. I quit at 7:00 and took a shower.

Sunday morning found me planning a way to get a 9' by 28' piece of Tyvek stapled to the north gable end by myself. I must have moved the ladder a couple of dozen times, but I finally got it on the wall!! I trimmed it off near the wall/roof interface and headed to the south side.

Putting on the two pieces of trimmed wrap on the south side proved to be much easier! After that, I hauled all the doors and windows from the shed to the new garage, then on the return trip I hauled the leftovers and scrap items from the garage to the shed. Then I started in on the windows. I took a several hour break while it rained quite hard, and managed to keep the recliner from moving around the house...

So, all the windows are in, but I didn't get the entry doors put in. Menards included the incorrect locksets, so we will have to get something different, then put the doors in.
Still need to close in the eaves, finish the shingles and install the overhead doors. Then a break (from this project, at least) until siding in the fall. Oh, yeah, someone will have to do the wiring....
Later, Carlo
Have been checking everyday for something on the blog (sometimes twice a day). Good to see so much work done. You must be tired out. It was so nice and cool here this morn but has gotten hot again.
Keep the pictures coming. ''
wow...looka dat! looks almost done. good work. and i bet those peonies smelled delish!
the shingles...what shingles? comment was quite funny...you ninny
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