Today we went at filling in the trench that we had dug for the new wires to the garage. I had filled in both ends when I ran the wire, but left the rest as it was starting to rain. Since then, it has rained almost every day, leaving the trench filled to the top with water for most of it's length. Here's a view off the deck.

Today most of the water had finally soaked in, so we started filling the trench. The last third needed to be bailed out so as to be able to fill with dirt and compact it somewhat. So we did that and finished the filling project. Here's a view from the front steps. I thought that I would get the mower out and cut the grass for (hopefully) the last time. It has been to wet to mow or pick up leaves, to I did the whole job today. That's why the grass is so green and clean looking.....

Meanwhile, the love of my life had prepared squash, baked spuds and elk steak for dinner. Mmmm, mmmm, good! Peg had also cleared the old yellow daisy stalk from the flower bed, cleared the old peony plants from the south beds, and other outdoor tasks while I was mowing. Almost done with fall chores.....

I love those yellow leaves on the poplars at this time of year!!

The woods to the east of the field is looking quite nice, now that the evergreens and poplars are doing their fall thing. No matter what the status of the seasons happens to be, there is always something nice to look at.
____________Hey, carve that pumpkin, would ya???____________

Love all the pictures. As you say all seasons have something beautiful to offer. Meal sounds so good, I do love squash. Keep up the good work on the blog.
beautiful yellow leaves! nice. yes...everytime of year and everytime of day there is something nice to look at. isn't life grand!
what kinda siding goes on the garage? i am still thinking of the long and cold walk out to the garage. hey...maybe an enclosed tunnel?
near full moon up tonight. leaves still beautiful here. the walnut leaves almost gone as well as the willow. still have maples with leaves and birch. lawn work yet to come.
Yep BEAUTIFUL it is!!!! And if the tunnel was enclosed how would you use it?
Must agree that the poplar leaves are so very lovely. That vomiting pumpkin ROCKS!!!!
well...i guess you would have to learn how to walk through walls which i am sure cute butt could figure out.
Ahhdotso!!! ;-)
is the blogger stuck???
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