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Our friends from India, Debangshu and Kakaly, came to the Ottertail last Sunday for a little snowshoe adventure. Mutual friends, Rod and Maggie, also spent the afternoon. This is Deb(angshu).

This is a hard-packed trail made by deer and turkeys. A common route they all use to travel back and forth in the area.

We all got snowshoes on and headed out. Here is Deb just starting into the woods. Luckily we have multiple sets of shoes so we could all go at once. Maggie and Rod brought their shoes with them, so we were set to go.

I finally caught up with the crew and got them to stop and look back. Right to left we have Rod, Maggie, Kakaly and Peg. We took a tour of the west 40, using the logging roads that meander through the area.

This is where we took a little break. It's right close to 'the Hemlock', a favorite deer hunting spot. I have a seat up the Hemlock tree and that allows me a good view of a large area of semi-open hardwoods.

Kakaly took off running on her shoes, I guess she was getting the hang of it...

Here we see Rod and Maggie starting on the trek back to the Ottertail. We didn't have to fight through much deep snow as we had some warmer temperatures a few weeks ago that settled and melted some of the snow.

Many months ago, Deb had seen some of my guns in the lodge and asked about the possibility of shooting some of them. He had never fired a gun of any type and wanted to see what it was like. We started out with a .22 revolver, a six shooter. I explained the safety issues of shooting and made sure he understood that. Next we moved up to a .357mag revolver, which has considerably more power and recoil than the .22 Deb looked surprised at the first shot when the gun jumped up in his hands. I laughed. But not too much, as Deb was doing really well with hitting the cans we had set up about 50' away. Rod called him "dead eye Deb".

The last one we tested was a .44mag, the one in the photo. This gun is quite heavy, lots of power and LOTS of kick. After 4 shots Deb had had enough. I know the feeling, as one cylinder full (6 shots) are plenty for me.....
When we were all back in the house, we got the spaghetti boiling and we had a supper of spaghetti and some spicey stuffed green peppers that Kakaly had brought along. Another great day with friends.

Here are a couple of photos of the loading of the last of the pulp wood... this occured between Christmas and new years. I took these photos from inside the house.
That's about it for now. I gotta go, Carlo