This photo was included because Peg's house is getting a new bathroom floor and a general remodel, including tub/shower and toilet. This picture requires double clicking to get the whole effect. The floor is painted such that when you approach the door, it looks as though there is no floor and you are WAY up in the air!! I wish we could acutally make our floor look like that.

Here is one view of our next year's halloween costumes. Pretty neat....
Anyway, not much going on up here. Lot's of sub-zero weather, then cloudy, then colder than (your own word here). Peg and I have both been putting in lots of hours at work, Peg more than I. After getting up in the air last week, I'm getting anxious for some warmer weather so I can go again. Today it barely made 20°, and this was the first time in about 6 days. Last Sunday it got all the way up to -12°.

Hmmm... looks like the fishies are a little bit upset!

Did I mention that Carlo is taking the leap? A (I can't believe I'm saying this) cell phone is on it's way to the Ottertail. Good grief. We're thinking that we should have a phone while we're on our motorcycles. Also will come in handy in the car when traveling somewhere. We could have used one when we had car trouble in Milwaukee. I'm also looking into getting an adapter cord so I can plug the phone into the airplane intercom so I can keep in contact with Peg as she's motorcycling below me. So, I got the lowest use, most inexpensive pay-as-you-go plan. I'm not giving out my number cause I don't want anyone calling me and using up my minutes... ;-)
No, this is not what it looks like at the Ottertail in February... but it is what I have been thinking about lately. I'm anxious to be outside with out looking and feeling like an Eskimo. I see my motorbike in the garage each day, and I wish I could fire it up and go for a scoot. Hmmm... cabin fever, mayhaps??

That's better.. the fishies are happy again.
how lovely!!!
Had not checked the blog in a few days and must say that bathroom looks great!!! And how lovely the picture of the flowering crab and peonies just coming up. Makes me homesick. Will be so glad to see spring.
Reality check..... that nice spring lawn scene is under a couple of feet of snow. We had a high temp yesterday of zero°. sheesh....
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