This is how our world looked April 12th. The snow was gone, things were looking a little more like spring, then this happened.... I keep thinking "At least it wasn't a tornado". It's always disappointing to see more snow after it melts the first time.

It was kind of pretty, all in all. I guess I've had enough "pretty" for one winter. And besides, the end of winter means mud, ticks, mosquitoes, heat and humidity.... Hmmmm....

On April 16th, Wednesday, Peg and I left work early and headed to Madison. We needed to get to the Madison Sheraton by 5:00 to meet Rosie at her "banquet". The hotel is just off the belt line on the South side of Madison, easy to get to.

This banquet was by the Wisconsin Technical College system, and was for inducting the 2008 good will ambassadors. Each college has nominees (by instructors) who are interviewed by a committee and then one is selected to represent the school for the next year.

So guess what? Rosie was nominated and selected to be NTC's ambassador!! There was also as scholarship of some amount associated with this, so Rosie was even happier about it. So we listened to each of them tell about themselves, their school history, plans etc. It was interesting listening to these 16 very different people tell about their lives and situations.

Way to go, Rose!! She could probably tell that we were proud of her and happy for her.
So we had a chance to visit, meet some new people, hear some very nice live music, and have a really good dinner. We left the hotel at 8:40 and pulled in at Ogema One Stop for gas at midnight. Thursday at work went really slowly.......

I didn't have a turkey permit this year (I forgot to apply for it by December 10th) so all my shooting was with the camera. Here is a medium sized gobbler actually gobbling.... it sounds pretty weird close up.

And here he is all fluffed up for the girls.... the sun was just coming up and the back-lit fan looked like it was glowing. They are fun to see.

After that snow a couple weeks ago, it had gotten quite nice out, the road was drying up, geese were around, etc. I actually rode my motor cycle to work three times last week! Then the weather turned super windy, colder and this is what it looked like this morning.

Once again I was very close to letting this blog fade away. I was talking to a couple of friends last night and they both said "What's up with the blog? Nothing on there lately..." I really had no idea they were looking at this. I really don't want to belabor the fact that few people take the time to enter a comment on here, but if you have the slightest inclination to write, please do. It makes this all seem a little more worthwhile.....
Cheers, Carlo
Thanks again for all the good pictures. Rosie looks lovely. I did look at the slide show of days past and that was good. Keep up the good work. Lucy
Yep I agree with Lucy, keep up the good work Carlo!!1 The slide show was excellent along with all the other stuff, thanks dude!
y.s.d.f., ivan
Thanks for your comments, it's what makes this effort seem worthwhile. Otherwise it's like talkin' ta da wall.....
Ivan, I see you once again have access to this blogerino.... good to know that you're reading.
yep dude I have access once more, eh, eh, ehhhh...!!! This blog is ah very nice ah..!!! :-)
y.s.d.f., ivan
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