Here we go again, trying a 'post-virus' post. I think I finally have everything I need loaded back in and running properly. Only took a couple of weeks, on and off, of very frustrating time spent scratching my head and trying to comprehend what was going on and how to fix it..... glad that's over.

This tree has long since lost all it's blossoms. It was quite spectacular while it lasted, though.

Memorial day weekend saw a trip to Milwaukee, where we spent a bunch of time tryig to sort out Lucy's huge stash of photographs! Lots of pix of all of us when we were younger, the homestead with all the trees looking quite small, etc. Above is Lizzard's back yard, and it was a nice place to sit around and talk.

Ma was telling Liz how something was supposed to go, I don't remember what it was....

Tim was in town for the weekend, it was good to see him after a long absence.

Dennis was kind enough to fire up his grill, one of the menu items was corn on the cob. First of the year for me..... I wonder where it came from that early?

Mary was there, still using the crutches but doing well. It will be awhile before her ankle is back to normal, I guess.

John was there and helped immensely with the marinade and the preparation of......

The Venison kabobs!!! Man, do I like venison fixed like this!

Peg was her cheerful self, as usual. She makes up for my lack of charm.....

Lucy got cold later in the day and Liz wrapped her up so tight in a blanket that she could not get at her cellphone when it rang. They thought it was quite funny.

We finished up with crablegs and I think Bryn ate most of them... not that I'm complaining, mind you.
Well, that's it for a trial run, let's see if it works......
I gotta go, Carlo