We visited Hailee a few weeks ago!

We brought her a "Dora the Explorer" coloring book and some stickers. Parents love it when you bring their kids stickers..... heh, heh....

Markers were giving her trouble.

And she was giving me trouble......

I went to Wintergreen Lake area to have a look at the start of the new 'hunting palace' that Ivan and the boys are going to build.

Just starting out with the digging for the basement. Ivan will be doing the mason work with the other lackeys helping him.

Lee was down in the hole with the grade rod, Ivan was supervising.

Then we set the forms to grade and the concrete footings would be poured the following day....
I gotta go, Carlo
Thanks for all your help on the Tashmashack/shackmahal/palace Carlo!!! :-)
Oh, yeah........
Well, we certainly all (Rose, Bryn, Gene and I ) had a ball with Hailee... and she, with all of us. We got to "play" until the newlyweds got home... and "play, we did".
Yikes, the "palace" sure is coming along quickly... an amazing amount of work done, and a lot of interesting ways of managing situations that could be difficult/dangerous... amazing creativity. Look forward to more visits up there to see what's going on.
Enjoyed the pictures. Hailee is growing up so fast. Had a very nice visit at the old homestead. Thanks to Gene and Peg.
Yes Lucy, and we enjoyed having you here... and Margaret too. Do come back again...
We've out working on siding the garage... must have been given a "push" with all of the other building projects. :) we'll get this one done, so we'll be free to finish/help finish a bunch of others before winter hits. :)
Went on a nice bike ride yesterday (the 4th) been a long time since I've been on mine. Felt good to ride again.
Looks like we will be "grilling out" tonight... steaks and potatoes... tasty treats by anyone's standards.
What did each of you do for your holiday/weekend?... hmmm.. maybe we can get Jenny to do another one of her "games"... to get people going on here again.
Karthik, maybe you would like to post your engagement picture here? you let us know if you would like for us to do that, ok?
hugs to all...
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