
Hey, it's really autumn!! Most of the trees are bare in Northern Wisconsin. Only the silver maples retain about half their leaves, and some shrubs still have yellow leaves. The flowering crab has again turned an amazing degree of red. Thousands of little crabbies are waiting for birds and the deer will eat more of the ones on the lower limbs.

Peg spotted the last apple on the tree in the yard. It must have dropped and gotten skewered by a twig below. I'm sure it's well past it's prime.... the tree looks pretty desolate right now. There were so many apples this year, and the acorn crop in the woods was huge. Deer really like acorns, and oak woods are good hunting spots in the fall.

One of the few bright spots around the place is the flower bed that contains the Japanese lantern plants. They are really bright.

It's too late for any of you to get us an anniversary present... well, in a timely manner anyway. We just had a visit this weekend as Peggy's cousins from Florida and Ohio were in town to visit Donna and the rest of the family. That got me to thinking of our wedding gathering, and above are Peggy's mom, siblings and neices and nephews.

And here are my mom, siblings, neices and nephews. We really had an awesome day and evening, and were glad so many relatives could be there.

Here are Peg's mom and cousins. The couple on the left, Patty and Mike, came up from Florida. The gal behind and between Peg is Jeanie, her cousin that lives in Montana. We visited out there once. On the right, next to me, is Joey from Pennsylvania and Jeanie's sister. The couple at the extreme right in the back are Michele and Steve Ford. Michele is Patty's sister, and next to Michele is Rachele, her and Steve's daughter. Whew, I'll have to check with Peg to verify all this information....
Anyway, Patty and Michelle and Steve were visitors in Phillips for the last few days and we spent time with them on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon and evening. They are fun people to be around and we really enjoyed the visit.
Below is the reason that you need to keep track of your jack-o-lanterns!! Keep an eye on them, know where they are going, who they will be with, and above all, DON'T LET THEM DRINK!!!!

I gotta go, Carlo
happy anniversary!!!
That was such a great day.
hope all is well
I am so sorry I missed your anniversary. Hope you had a happy day. What did you do - go out for dinner???? Again thanks for the pictures. The Japanese lanterns look great.
Happy belated Anniversary! Fun was had by all. The pictures turned out quite nice. Hope you are enjoying the fall. Hello to all.
nice pics. willow trees are not eager to release their leaves. a slow falling for months. birch and maples nearly done but not quite. a bit behind you here.
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