
Hey, guess who came to visit the Ottertail??? We had a little snow, so Hailee and damma played outside on Wednesday.

Trucks came in handy.

And of course, this type of action.....

gives this result!

I set my game camera out by the hemlock for a 24 hour period a couple of days ago. This buck showed up at 4:15 and stayed until 4:42. I was in the tree stand, but the deer stood facing straight away from me for the whole time, no chance to get a good shot. I waited, but it sneaked out really fast with no shot.... oh, well.

Same deer a few minutes later.

A little forky just after dark.

A better one at 4:25 AM.

And yet another variety at 6:06 AM. Well that's a nice variety, but they all show up at night. Maybe it's a result of the moon phase?
Going to the Taj Mashack tomorrow night. Ivan is frying fish and stuff, and I suppose we'll have to talk dumb, play poker and whatever..... I'm sure I'll sleep in on Saturday morning and drive home about 9:00. I don't do early in the day hunting, and the rifle season has not been very attractive at all lately. I'll go out the next week during muzzle loader season instead....
I gotta go, Carlo
Great pictures. Haylee is growing up so fast. How many days did she stay with you guys??? Enjoyed the results of the game camera. Keep up the good work. Lucy
Welcome home Aunt Peggy! Looks like everyone had a good time with Hailee - she is a dear! And I hope I see some of the other deer this weekend by my deer stand!
Hailee came home with me on Tuesday evening, and the kids just got here tonight, Friday night. We have had a busy time, everything from playing tag, hide and seek, snow angels, the dump trucks in the snow, coloring, making bead bracelets... (Hailee made 17 of them so far... pretty amazing attention span for a three year old), coloring and "tracking animals in the yard" and then there was the rest of the "inside stuff". but we sure had a swell time. Sounds like the kids will be going home either Sunday or Monday. Has been a hoot, and Gene has been great through it all. I promise to pay more attention to you after she's gone. :)
It has been a wonderful time, We spent part of yesterday afternoon with my mom, and Hailee even agreed to stay with mom while I went to the store. Mom was thrilled. This has been a really great week.
Good luck all you hunters... be safe and I hope you all get "what you want."
Thanks for the welcome home Kristi. We did have a ball on the mini-vacation to South Carolina. We toured Camden, visited Marianne's aunt and uncle, extremely nice people, Checked out the Cherokee museum and generally did the tourist thing while driving home.
Wow...Haylee is like a kid now! She seems so grown up!
Carlo...what kinda camera do you have set up out there. Cool pics. I need one of those to catch some owl play here.
Aren't snow angels the best!
Love to all...
Yram, the cam is by Moultrie Feeders. But there are quite a few of them, do a search for trail cam, or game camera, or like that. They work on infrared to indicate something is out there, adjustable picture frequency, and you just use an sd camera card in them. Available in different megapixel models and quite a price range. The big drawback is that they operate on batteries, so you will need to get rechargables and a charger to avoid buying and TOSSING batteries. Some have a car battery/solar charger setup you can get. Have fun.....
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