Ottertail Country

Ottertail Country
Ottertail South

February 10, 2009

Just some junk....


Ongoing saga of 'the doors'. Peggy agreed to do some repair on the zipper that holds the removable panel in the frame. Here she is tuning up the sewing machine.

A little stitching along the edges and it's ready to go.

About 1.25 rows of wood left. That means if the weather stays a little on the warm side, that third row should last until Feb 20th, or so. And if things warm up a little in March, we should be good to for the year!!

Last Sunday the weather was really nice. But by the time it warmed up enough to temp me to go flying, it also became quite windy. So I spent some time working on a trap set-up.

I got this thing temporarily hooked to the deck and we tried it out a little. For some reason two of the six birds we fired out there, two broke into bits on their own......

I cleanly missed one of the others and got the others. Lucky, I guess.

Next I set about giving the grill a once-over. Took out the grates and the vaporizer plate, cleaned out the inside, brushed the grates. Decided to coat the grates with some 'grill strength Pam' and fired it up.

Peg had taken out a couple of small tenderloins and a couple of chicken fillets with spice. We cooked them up, ate the tenders and saved the chicken for lunch on Monday.

The weather this week has been pretty weird. Temps in the 40's, rain, wind and glare ice side roads. Not sure that normal February weather wouldn't be better????

Recently a couple of people have spilled the beans about actually reading this blog. I could hardly believe it, as there have not been any "COMMENTS" by these readers! I just want to say once again that the comment process is less painful than an email. Type the comment, sign it, select "Anonymous" and you're good to go. Give it a shot, 'nkay?

I gotta go, Carlo



Anonymous said...

Thank God for Peggy and her sewing machine, eh?????? Would like to be there when the steak is done!! The weather has been warm, and am thankful for that. Keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

Well Lucy, come on up and we'll fix more.
I thought of you yesterday, when the snow appeared to be all but gone on the flat open spaces, but today, we're "all white" again thanks to a dusting last night.


Anonymous said...

Oh, the sweet taste of meat on the grill!!! Adam had the same thought the other night and he grilled up some venison loin - very good :-)


Anonymous said...

Skeet shooting from my beloved porch?
(Bet it is fun.) I am hopeless at that game. Have fun!!!

Carlo said...

Yep, grilling is the best.
Not much pigeon shooting from the deck yet, but wait until we get into the forties for he first time.... ;-)

Anonymous said...

We tried throwing clay pigeons this winter with a hand thrower. Couldn't get them in the thrower without breaking ..... to cold. So we swithced to putting holes in some 1/4 plate with the 30-30.


Carlo said...

Steel plate shooting is good, too! I finally have a good place to shoot here. The last time a dozer was in the area, we pushed up a big berm of dirt near the edge of the trees. No worry about stray bullets now. Will have to put up some sort of target holder this spring....