
Hey, we finally are getting some winter weather!! Shovel is all set to go, tractor has already been used to plow the driveway, what more could you ask for? Anyway, here goes the story of the "indicator light".......

When you have an outside wood fired boiler, you notice quickly that when you open the door when the fire is not actively burning, lot's of smoke comes pouring out. So it is best to do the adding of wood when the fire is going well, especially at night in poor lighting. Notice above the gray wire that now runs down the left side of the door.....

You see, the fire door has a draft control at the bottom. When the water temperature gets down to a certain level, the controller sends current to the damper solenoid on the door. This opens the damper and allows the fire to return to life and burns strongly until the water reaches the upper temperature limit. Note the connector attaching a green wire to the new gray wire....

That gray wire is tapping into the power loop that feeds the damper solenoid. When the furnace damper opens, the green wire receives power and , voila, the LED light string come on!!

These lights are draped around the stainless steel chimney and are in plain sight of the back door of the house.

They're really nice and sparkly at night and now I know when it's a good time to go feed the monster.

Nice and hot in there, warming the water, keeping our house cozy and warm.........
I gotta go, Carlo

staying warm.
Very cool or should I say very warm??? Are you a genius or what?? Great idea. It is cold in my apartment this morn. I called the desk to ask about the heat and was told that the boiler blew. I don't know exactly what that means as I did not hear any boom or anything similar?? Guess someone is working on it!!!!!!!
Again, thanks and do enjoy the blog.
No, not a genius..... I have an excellent schematic for the stoves electrical system and a strong dislike for peering into darkness and smoke. A few questions to controls guys at work and I was on the way..... It's really bright, lights up the little shelf area on the right side of kitchen sink!! Those LED's are something, and they use a tiny amount of power.
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