
Our immediate family Christmas get-together was planned for Saturday, January 2nd. So in preparation for the festivities, I went out into the Ottertail Woods on New Years eve in search of a Christmas tree. Make no mistake, this only works if you have a certain image of what a Christmas tree can be...... Here it is, thawing out in the kitchen.

Moved into the living room, it proved to be just the correct height. A little thin in spots, but a serviceable tree non the less. Peggy was out on a mission of some sort that day, so I went ahead and decorated the tree.

And here it is after Peggy got home and added a few gifts around the bottom. What with the tree done and the cards on the door jamb, it looked quite festive! I guess the transformation was what prompted the video below..... Oh, well.
Sorry, Peg, I really did mean well.......... I'll study the script a little better next year.

Back to the business at hand, here we have Donna and Hailee waiting patiently for dinner and the "festivities" to follow.

We dived into the meal, roast chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, a jello salad and sweet potatoes smothered in butter, brown sugar and marshmallows.

Things were pretty quite for the next while. I guess everyone was too busy enjoying the food.

It looks like Hailee had already bailed out by this time.....

I was thinking it was the perfect meal, even had a bit of chicken liver.

Let the festivities begin!! And break out those circus peanuts..... ?


Rosie was a little chilly down there on the floor, but the blanket helped.

Yippee!!! A home-made snuggy made the blanket obsolete!

Bryn, don't put your hands on the new fry pan, you may end up with a bite!!

Hailee gets into the action and helps Rosie with the distribution task.

"I think it's what I wanted....!!"

Bryn, I've heard of hot tea, but this is ridiculous!! Look at the steam coming off that cup!

Leggos are still a major hit. Rose and Bryn scattered from the project before I could get the camera aimed.

And what would a Christmas gathering be without Rose taking an early evening nap??? We had a good time that evening, and all were around for a breakfast the next morning. The kids gradually filtered out to head for home, and later in the day, Peg and I disassembled the tree and out it went!! That was the shortest duration for a Christmas tree that I can remember......... it was in the house a little less than four days.
I gotta go, Carlo
Aw, I love the picture of Hailee and Great-grandma :) And, as usual, Bryn looks stunningly graceful and poised in her pictures! :) Not going to comment on my charming faces in some of them..... lol That was seriously an outstanding meal! Just started drooling at the thought :) ~Rosie
Great bunch of pictures!!! Wish I could have been there. I am sure you all had a great time. Hailee is growing up fast. Was looking forward to another addition to the blog. Thanks
Thinking of Christmas in Ogema when Lucy and Herb were in attendance. kind of melancholy to see Christmas time at the "Big House" (as John calls it). Glad there are people there enjoying the house and the woods and the essence of the homestead.
So many Christmas pictures in my mind with Bryn and Rose there. And new faces and young faces were always welcome.
That was really great. I liked *most* of the pictures... and remembering the delicious food. :):)
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