
Shortly after Christmas, the
Pileated Woodpecker that has been around for a few years began competing with the other birds for the flowering crab's tiny fruit. It was in that tree daily for weeks. Best photo I could get without a long lens......

Also shortly after Christmas I discovered this in our kitchen cupboards!! What a cute little thing, 350ml, just over 12 oz. I wonder where it came from????

Mid January had some really mild weather, so I started in on the "tractor project". I had
purchased a kit that would allow me to convert the electrical system from the standard (back then) 6V positive ground system to the more modern 12V negative ground. I suppose one could have done this project without removing the hood, but the removal was easy enough and it allowed unfettered access to all the "goodies" under the hood.

The hood was also the "holder upper" for the gas tank, so that came off as well. I had researched the electrical system on the web and had some really good schematic diagrams to work from. I removed all the existing old, cracked wires and started stringing in the new ones.

Of course, nothing goes as planned, and the first
pre-made wire harness I put in was too short!!
Hmmm.... well, splice on some more wire, a new terminal ring, etc...... One of the new mounting brackets was not fitting right, hitting some other components. I think the bracket was bent the wrong direction leaving the holes closer to the wrong edge of the part. I made it work.....
The cylindrical black item in the lower right corner of this photo is the old 6V generator. It had to go.

And here you see its replacement, a nice new 12V alternator. You may notice that the red rod just below it appears to be hitting the alternator. I had the front of the tractor jacked up about a foot so I could check clearance between the drag link and the alternator. The tractor's front axle is mounted on a big pivot pin right in the center, so the axle can pivot up and down out at the ends when you drive over rough ground. I simulated maximum pivot and the drag link hit the alternator. So I was into a new phase of the project, widening the front end. This tractor has the capability to widen the rear wheels 2" at a time into 8 different locations on each side. Thus you can go from 48" center to center out to 76" center to center on the back. The front has the same capabilities, and you can see some of the holes for this at the bottom right corner of this photo. So, I had to widen the front axle out so that the drag link would not hit the alternator at maximum pivot. That required a total of 4" wider. Not a big deal, but the narrower the better for ease of getting around out in the woods. The worst was getting the 5/8 diameter bolts loose for the first time since 1939 (possibly). In fact, the side opposite is not done yet cause I could not loosen one of the bolts. I'll have to drive it over to Craig
Berger's house and use his impact wrench.... oh, well.
I'll update you on the new lighting system soon. I just plowed snow tonight, starting at 7:00PM and I had plenty of 'tractor light' to get the job done.
I gotta go, Carlo

hmmm... perhaps it was the christmas fairy from the milwaukee wastelands...
I was thinking that..... now it's confirmed.
I wish the christmas fairy from the milwaukee wastelands would stop by my house once in awhile..
Gene, What a project with that tractor. It's been a 'good old tractor' thru the years. Thanks for all the good pictures.
How will the christmas fairy from the milwaukee wastelands ever know where to stop "by the other person's house" once in a while... if they don't identify themselves? hmmm
at one time I thought I might knew that fairies would just show up whenever you needed them..? But if they don't know where I live tell the milwaukee wasteland fairy that he or she may drop the stuff off at Ivan's house and I'll get it from him. ;-)
I'm glad you know what you are doing with that tractor! I was trying to follow your process but it was like reading a foreign language to me!!
Thankfully we have some new snow that you can try it out on!
Iz ya ever gonna post something Gnu sune???
Howzda new lighting sytem working for yooze guyz??
"Have HAPPY day!"
Are you going to post some pictures of your kayak sometime soon? just wondering. haven't seen anything on here in ages...
xo ps
Thanks for all your help dude!!! Have a BEAUTIFUL day!!! :-)
What would a project on an old tractor be without a few challenges. I've had a few with the old Super C, and now with Dad's 8N.
The 3 point didn't work and as much as I tried to avoid it, the hydraulic pump and cylinder had to be removed. Once that all was at the shop being serviced, I noticed evidence of the large oil leak through the ends of the rear axle housings. With helpful advice, that came apart, and now for the reassembly with new seals, brake shoes, gaskets and final drive oil.
If you ever have questions about the 3 point system and brake assembly related, let me know.
Cousin Bob
Carlo, when ya gunna fix my tractor??? Just asking.. ;-)
Carlo, when ya gunna go fishin wit me..??? just asking.
Carlo, when ya gunna add more stuff to your blog? just asking.
Carlo, have a WONDERFUL day!!! just saying, mmmkay. :-)
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