Lucy had asked about what was blooming around the place so I headed out on one of those slightly overcast days that give such nice photo
opportunities. I realize this is not in bloom, but the Sedum is always an interesting plant.
The peonies were late this year and only about 6-7 blossoms. This red pair was particularly bright and bold.

These pink ones are pretty nice looking as well.
Peggy has a bunch of plants going on the deck. Beans(four kinds), beets, onions, gourds, tomatoes and chives.

That's about it for now, we're having another gray and rainy day. Seems like too many as of late, but what can you do? Friday, Saturday and Sunday were great days, but the only ones in quite a while.
I gotta go, Carlo
Enjoyed the pictures of the lovely peonies. They are my favorite flowers and they smell so wonderful. Thanks for the view.'
A treat for the nose while mowing lawn near them....
Sorry, Ivan, I had that post in here twice and you commented on the one I deleted. At least you don't have two of the same comment any more.....
I gotta go, Carlo
So,it's raining again... a hard, driving rain... within the last week we have had a tremendous amount of rain.... but, at least, it hasn't snowed lately. life is good!. ps
That's ok Carlo, I just babble onlyhow, I mean onlyways. :-)
"Have HAPPY day!"
The flower photos are beautiful. Agree with you, Lucy, about peonies - if you catch them before they fully open, cut a few, tie together and hang upside down in a dark airy spot they will dry wondrously. But have to say I'm most interested in the veggie growing experiment on the deck ... looks like a great idea .. please keep us posted on what kind of harvest you get, anything you would do differently etc. Decks are wonderful places!
Mary A.
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