O.K., a quick tour of the outside buildings. This is the garage/elevated deck/ upstairs hide-away building. Another unique design....

This is the workshop, just to the north of the garage. The epicenter of iron working, this building was. Russ was not one to get into a rut on building design!!
And, of course, the Chalet at the turn of the driveway. Many years a gift and craft shop, a few years as a gunsmith shop. No telling what it will end up being in the future....!

Here is the little stone building that sits atop the entrance to the deep root cellar. Hard to describe it, best seen in person..... that's an invite.

Here is the view from in front of the house, looking down the driveway towards the Chalet. I think I will be able to get used to this view.
Things have been busy lately, dealing with realtors, insurance agents, etc. We close the deal on Thursday, Dec. 2nd, and then we can begin transferring "stuff" to the new location. I'm sure we will be spending many weekends hauling, placing, deciding, moving, placing, packing, unpacking, etc. February will be for resting up.

Two days to go......
OOOOHHH Im so excited. I love that house.. And the Chalet!!!!
I'll say it again Carlo, unless I ain't never said it before, then I'll just say it now for the first time, that is if I ain't said it before onlyhow, mmmkay, NICE, VERY NICE AH!!!! GOOD LUCK GUYS!!!
P.s. Why am I thinking of Hanzel and Gretel? :-)
Well, you just helped us out with our next year's Halloween costume ideas S.D. thanks..
It will be kind of fun to operate here with only the the things that we really need, (for a while :))... with the rest of our belongings at the Ottertail South... It might give some of us some insight with regards to garage sales in the spring. :) or not... who knows. This is exciting... and generally just kind of fun. We'll be sure to keep you all posted.
I'm really glad that our "blog Master" has continued providing his wonderful service to us all. Thanks Gene..
Soooooooo, your costumes for next year's halloween iz or arz going to be, Bert and Ernie, or Elmo and Big Bird? ;-)
And yes too hey on the glad for the blog master! This blog allows me to show Liz just how stupid of a friend yooz really have! :-)
Have a WONDERFUL day everyone!!!
I think the chalet should house the next Kettlefest! That, or it could be Aunt Peg's sewing/craft room - if it's big enough :-)
I am thrilled that you and Peg will now own the A-frame and the Chalet. Cool that it will stay in the family, too. You two are the perfect couple to be there... and, oh-h-h the possibilites for the Chalet! Congrats...
Cousin Barb
Well, the move has started. I spent the day moving today. I made 7 trips today and most of was craft stuff that would end up staying in the chalet. I took a day of vacation today, but it certainly didn't feel like a vacation.. but it felt good. We spent the evening there yesterday just finding out where the light switches are and figuring where "stuff" will go. :) this will be just the beginning of another grand adventure, I'm sure.
hope to see you all there sometime, but do call first, to make sure we're there.
Thanks for the pictures and updates, it's making it seem more like this can be home eventually. :) Can't wait for our x-mas weekend at the old place first though! :) ~Rosie
Continue to enjoy the photos and cheery graphics ... would it be fair to disclose who "s.d." is?
Mary A
Exciting. Change is good. Wonderful place with good vibes. I have some ideas if you plan on firing up the iron shop.
Let me know if you need help. So...who gets the tractor and plow??? heehee
Hi Mary A, It would be fair to disclose who s..d. is. ivan is "s.d"., and s.d. is just an abbreviation for social disappointment. Makes sense now, eh? :-)
Take care and have a WONDERFUL day!!!!!
s.d. (aka ivan) :-)
Gee, I wonder if there will be another post before Christmas? hmmm
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