Rose and Bryn missed the Christmas eve event at Donna's house, so Donna gave out their stockings at this event.

When asked if she had been good this year, Bryn replied, "I was good for 11 months...... and extra good for the other month."

Donna got a few gifts of her own.

Rose did the honors of passing out the gifts, with the attentive help of Hailee.

Chris wore the official "Reindeer Antlers".

Hailee presented me with a gift that she wrapped herself....... :-)

Peggy got a new Packer t-shirt, just what she was hoping for.

Bryn seems to approve of Peggy's new lounging pants.

Late afternoon and Donna is getting ready to head back to Phillips and Rosie is prepping for the big game, Packers vs. Falcons.

Looks like Peg is getting fired up for the game as well!!

All happy campers!

Chris was a little tired looking about this time.....

...and this about sums up how everyone felt by mid-evening.

We're in winter for sure now. This morning it was -30° when I left for work at 6:00. Didn't warm up much during the day, maybe a few degrees above zero. Not supposed to get too cold tonight and warming next week. We'll see.......
By the way, I checked on my blog feed and found that there are 17 subscriptions! Please comment when you visit.... if you want.
I gotta go, Carlo
Looks like a fabulous Christmas!! Having everyone there makes it extra special! Hailee is sure growing up and doing a great job wrapping presents :-) Family and fun - doesn't get much better than that!
Wow, that was fast, Kristi!! I'll be waiting for your report on the snowshoe race in Phillips tomorrow!
I like the new layout!! Good times all around! :) I particularly like Hailee's wrapping job, it was quite impressive! :) Thanks to you and Peggy for the awesome tree!
That was me, Rosie.....
I like the new picture on the blog.
Thanks for sharing your celebration ... the picture of Donna getting ready to leave especially caught me ... all the bags and such packed up around the door ... just think of all the holiday comings and goings that have/do/will continue to take place around that door ... and yes, yes, I did notice Rose in the same shot wearing her beloved #80's jersey!
Mary A.
With a second look I realize the precise scene of Donna's getting ready to leave isn't by the dear door I spoke of ... but figure you'll know what I mean ... it's the spirit/feeling of the thing ...
Mary A.
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