
Yes, it's cold at the homestead. When I left work at 5:00 today, the temperature was already down to zero. When I got home, I spent a little time getting some firewood dug out of the pile, about two days worth, cleaned up in the garage from a recent project, etc. I was out for about an hour and when I got done, the temp. was down to -9°........ supposed to get in the -20's tonight.

January 15th, family Christmas!! Rosie, Bryn and Hailee put the final touches on the tree.

Most importantly, the candied yams are in process. The main course as far as I am concerned.

Peggy's specialty, apple pie made from those wonderful yellow transparent apples that came from the tree out in the yard.

Chris getting potatoes ready for the mashed potatoe dish. The other main course...... Hailee is, umm, washing her hands in the potatoe pan???

A break from the food prep. I spent most of the morning plowing the driveway, shoveling, etc. This year I really did nothing it the line of cooking..... just directing ;-)

One pie done, spuds ready to boil, chicken in the roaster.

Getting ready for the day.

Hailee and Rosie.

Hailee and Bryn.

Dining room all set for action. The house is filled with the good smells of a dinner almost ready.

The sideboard and the old Ogema photo have returned to the homestead.

There's that pie Peggy was working on earlier.

I think everyone is set to eat! I think I'll do a second post showing the rest of the day, so that's all for now.
For those of you who like to gaze at Jenny's artworks, she has a nice new site!
Here is
Jen's website....

I gotta go, Carlo
That spread looks SO delicious!! I'm drooling over that pie!! Looks like a great time was had by all - nothing beats family!
Yep, I agree Kristi, that does look delicious, and nothing does beat FAMILY except maybe a full house.
Have a WONDERFUL DAY everyone!!!
Or perhaps a Straight????
ahdotso...!!!! :-)
So glad you included that picture of me "getting ready" Dad, thanks! lol Meal prep was fun, I always prefer cooking to cleaning up after when I can't move! :) ~Rosie
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