Here we will show you how to take a chimney off your roof. Well, assuming you have a fabricated steel chimney that is suspended from the top of an A-frame house....

I know, it looks innocent enough from here....

On an A-frame, all work is done from a ladder laying on the roof. It's quite stable that way unless there is an entryway or something in line with what you're working on.

So you just loop a rope around something on the roof, tie it to the ladder top and tie the other end to the four wheeler. That way you can slope the ladder way to the side without it slipping.....

Looks like fun, hey???

Joe Chizek brought his rear-mount loader truck to the house. We got it as close as we could to the chimney.

Looks like it's going to be close. Not much boom left here.

Up I go to attach the chains to the loader bucket.

Getting the bucket tied to the chimney with as little slack in the chain as possible.

Starting to lift.......

When it released from the roof, it popped up like apiece of toast out of the toaster!

Clear of the roof.

Off to the west it goes.......

And down towards the truck.

We had inspectors on hand. Dave and LaVonne happened to stop in just as the chimney was being lowered to the truck.
There it goes.

Here's the hole that was left, right up by the fan.

A couple of shots from the outside.....

Just after getting the plywood fit to cover the hole.
I know, seems like I'm overdoing it with this post, but I'll tell you, it took alot longer to do it than to tell about it. I began the project in the fore-noon, and climbed back down off the ladder for the last time at 7:30 in the evening, just as the drizzling rain was starting. Seems like a long time ago now.....
That's all for now...
I gotta go, Carlo