Wow, these items are from late August thru early September!! I guess this is as far behind as I have ever been..... I'll try to correct that.
While at a friend's house, I noticed that the email version of the blog is pretty slimmed down compared to what you get here, the actual site. I noticed no opportunity to comment from there, so just go to the main page to enter your words of wisdom....
Anyway, I found this deluxe 1972 Arctic Cat 340 Panther at a friend's place. I bought it and gave it to Peggy for her birthday. Must be reverting to old interests. I think the last time I owned a snowmobile was probably the same year this one was made....

Hey, Tim was here for a visit (stacking firewood, altering the heating system pipes, cleaning sheds, etc.). He had borrowed my bike for a while and he came over to help me do some maintenance.

We jacked it up, pulled the handle bars and top fork clamp. That allowed us access to the top steering column nut so we could adjust the bearing tightness. I had noticed a clunk now and then when hitting a bump and thought the bearings may be loose. We got it fixed and now no noise!

The old Ottertail Lodge is looking a little different these days. Pretty spiffy compared to the old look.

I had to kid Dawn about the curtains.... the old ones were camouflage patterns and I told her the new ones looked like boxer shorts. O.K., I'm not always as suave as I could be.
I told Tim that it looks 'real cute'.
These two certainly seemed happy to be together for the week.
Not sure what Tim is doing here. Might be the champagne.

And just because I'm old does not mean I'm necessarily mature.

We had a visit from Hailee, and she and Peggy had fun trying out some 're-encting' duds. She seems to be game for just about any adventure.
Getting ready for the chimney extracting job. It was pretty cool watching it come out, I'll give you some pix later.

Started in cleaning out the sheds at the south side of the north field. Lots of interesting stuff, old lumber, whatever. I saved whatever looked sound and usable, the rest went on the burn pile or to the metal recyclers.

I have three of the four bays cleaned out. I got a five yard load of gravel dumped by the sheds and now have two of the three cleaned units graveled. Makes a good floor, lots of shoveling and raking.
That's about it for now, I'll try to get current with this stuff and I've got lots of photos to post.
Please comment if you have a spare minute or two, it would be good to hear from readers.
I gotta to, Carlo
We'll excuse the tardiness - as it appears you haven't been resting on your laurels!! Lots of projects going on at both places. Thanks for sharing the updates!
P.S. I like the "boxers" :-)
Yay! Keep up the posting! Fun to read and see! :)
Beth Mattson
Great pictures! Love reading about your progress.... All is looking wonderful!!
I, too. like the 'boxers' and the lodge is looking 'cute'. :)
Barb Carroll
Are the "sheds at the south side of the north field" that you are cleaning out at the old place or the new place? Great pictures all! When does Hailee debut at her first rendezvous? ... or maybe she already has ... good luck to the inhabitants of both homesteads.
Mary A.
The lodge does look cute!! :) Great pictures as usual. Still can't believe all the projects you have going on....it was good catching up the other day! :) P.s. The curtains totally look like boxers! lol Love, Rosie
Yes the lodge looks cute and the curtains certainly look like boxers.
I doubt I could do anything about it even if I were there.
Wow, lots of changes all around! Exciting. Looking forward to coming up that way one of these days and seeing it in person.....
When does the staircase project begin? Or has it?
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