Last weekend we spent a couple of days camped at Historic Point Basse, near Nekoosa, Wisconsin. The site of the earliest settlements in central Wisconsin. They have a ton of things to see and hear about, with period appropriate campers and demonstrators showing how life was lived in the 1840's. You can read and see all about it HERE . We stayed in canvas tents, cooked on open fires, swatted mosquitos and enjoyed temps in the upper 80's with lots of humidity. We've had better camping experiences, weather-wise! Although I got zero photos from this event, here are a couple from this site in past years......
Peg and I were camped below the bluff, right on the Wisconsin River. We were portraying voyageurs, some of which were still around as late as the 1840's.
We were in charge of the canoe rides, most of which I did in this dug out canoe. It was crafted by some local history buffs from a white pine log. It looks big and clunky, but once it was in the water it paddled just fine.
This was a little awning shelter used by one of the Point Basse volunteers. He helped out with the visitors to the site.
Here is our wedge tent next door. We were camped about 15 feet from the river bank.
Back in the 1990's, Peg and I were both involved with a French Marine group, portraying the French & Indian war era. That would be mid 1700's, quite a bit earlier and cruder than the Point Basse era. The following photos are from an event we did just east of Ashland, Wisconsin. We had a nice little cannon!
There was a replica of a fort that stood on some high ground overlooking the Chequamegon Bay of Lake Superior. Daughter Rosie is on the left, and I'm next to her.
Two tipis were set up outside the fort, with the bay as a backdrop.......
Here we have daughter Bryn on the right at an event in Wausau, Wisconsin. We were camped on Fern Island in the Wisconsin river.
Peggy continues to do the re-enactments, me not so much.... Some day I will post a bunch of photos from an event at Fort Ticonderoga. Peggy went to that and it was a very large event. She is heading to Old Fort Erie in a couple of weeks. Right across the river from Buffalo, NY.....
Well, that's all for now..... See you soon!
Sure looks like a good time!!
Lots of good memories for you all. The dugout looks awesome.
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