If you haven't seen Volume one yet, you'ld best scroll down to the previous post. If you can stand it, come back to this one to finish the story.....

Yee, Haaa.... here comes the second truck.

And the first truck is just about empty as the second arrives.

As the second truck is getting into position, I got the extra form board and got it into place, nailed it to the other forms and put in four steel stakes to hold it up. Then I back filled the form a little so it wouldn't get pushed out of place. Then Chuck and I busied ourselves with putting in the last of the re-bar. That's what we're doing here.

As we neared the end of the pour, Ivan periodically went back to use the bull float on the areas we had done. Then he would come back to where we were working and help get the grade right....

Not much to go now. It appears that we will get this done in proper fashion! Nothing has gone wrong yet, just so we don't run out of crete....

Here Ivan is getting ready to strike the last section and I'm in the background trying to dodge the chute as it swings back and forth in short arcs as the final corner is being filled. I was trying to get the re-bar pulled up and also keep it from getting washed to the side by the concrete flow. The last batch we threw in were not tied to gether like all the rest and it moved around quite easily.

The extra crete went into those little sidewalk forms I had nailed together. There was still about 1/2 yard left, but what can you do.... it went back and we paid for the whole thing.

So the last action on my part was to pay for the stuff. The concrete yard had told me what the price would be, Peg wrote a check for that amount, the driver's bill was $.01 more, so I had to give him a beer out of Swede's cooler......
Next I headed into the house to get some pizzas cooking. We would have to wait while Ivan and Tom Lochner felt it was time to do the finsh troweling, then we would have to sit and watch them do that and probably give some advice, etc,,,,
More on the aftermath later........
how nice that you have so many great friends to help you with this project. And knowledgeable and hearty! Nice work on the pics swedish man.
windy and warm here. the bay is noisy! amazing how much sound waves can kick up.
p.s. don't forget to visit my blog:
Hello! This is Nyrb, by the way! Very beautiful work you fellows have done. Notice as the concrete fills the form, it does not have different levels - it is flat from the shallow end to the deep end. Hm.
uhhh did the concrete get hard? cuz if it dint you may hafta put sum boards on it. Just a thought.
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