I decided to stay home from work today, Tuesday. I got my tools and headed for the building. I worked on putting on the top plate all around the walls, then finished te framing in of all the window openings. Ivan came down about 3:00 this afternoon and we started on putting up the trusses.

We spent a little over four hours and finally got all 19 trusses inplace! Peg got home in time to help with the last five trusses, kind of hard to deal with those last few, but we got them on.

Thanks, youse two....
sheesh...you guys are maniacs! looks to be done soon. so...ready for some work on the 9th? i could have something all set for you if you would like...otherwise you might get homesick!
wind was off on Monday morning. one of the very few days without wind. has wisconsin always been windy and i just forgot????
Again enjoyed the pictures. You all look tired out!!! The trees all look so good. Are the peonies blooming??
Nice jorb Carlo!!!
And the answer to your last question Yram is.....nope. Have a GREAT day ALL!!! ;-)
Well, looks almost like a garage now!!! Happy building!
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