Here is a bicycle frame made of wood. I like it.
Hey, Yram, I found more of those phood photos you posted.... Anyway, I'm involved in the project from hell at work, needs to get done, not getting done, no bright ideas in the offing... I'm a little stressed and not trying to act like it.

This is supposedly a float in a parade somewhere in Germany!!
Monday I stayed home from work so I would not have to deal with it. Ivan and Chuck came down late afternoon, we knocked back a few black & tans (with Guinness, of course) and solved many of the world's problems. We're so smart, and camels is so stoopid.....

Tuesday was a miserable day at work. Peg and I went from work to her land out by Lugerville, looked around a little and then decided to go to Long John's resort on Soo Lake for a bite of supper. They were closed. We decided to go south.

We went to Midway, but they were not open either. What's with that? No food places or taverns open on Tuesday? What is this world coming to? We decided to go to D's Burger and Bowl in Prentice, Peg has not been there since they opened.
Right, not open....... so we went to the Boondocks, where we had a little supper, some liquid refreshments and light conversation. For once, I knew everyone in the place (about 5 or 6, but what the heck). We wasted about an hour there and headed home.
Today I prepared, sort of, for the big meeting concerning the project from hell. That will be tomorrow afternoon at 3:00..... I left work to day and headed home. But, I got sidetracked when I turned off the highway at Prentice. I remembered that Peg needed gas in her bike, so I went into Boondocks and called her at work and suggested that she get gas at Prentice and then find me in the bar for supper. I had a couple while waiting for her, talked to some locals in the bar. We had creamy potato soup, and some deep fried green beans for supper. This is my stress week and I wonder where I will go to recuperate after the meeting tomorrow???? Maybe I'll go to work late on Friday? Fishing starts Saturday, maybe I'll find a fish fry at the Pumphouse on Saturday..... I hope so!!
I gotta go, Carlo
__________Hey, catch them fishies, would ya???____________

Dude..!!! yoo R correct, kamils iz sew stoopEd..!!! :-) and a fry at the pumphouse on Saturday will probaly happen if we CATCH some fishies, so I'll keep you posted on that progress, and you're ALWAYS welcome to go for fishin with me if you'd like yano. "I go my farm Tuckahoe work on projects."
y.s.d.f., ivan
Enjoyed the pictures. What is your project from hell that you are refering to ???? Interesting piece of iron in Mary's leg, eh??
Yes, I guess it's a 'plate' and some screws? Ivan has some similar scrap metal in his arm from a woods injury.
The work thing is just a nasty piece of stuff that has to fit in a space too small for it, do more than can be expected of it and it needs to be done before it can possibly be done. Other than that, it's a pizza pie.... or is that a pizza cake??
sure do wish i was going to the pumphouse for fish tonight! yum yum. your work week must have been bad...have not heard you chat so about that black hole in which you spend 40+ hours a week. hope it went well. work generally sucks no matter what.
waz up with camelz?????
and what is the openID?
thinking of having a dance here at the house in early august. any musicians you can bring over? have to plan to get rose and bryn here to teach sadet how to dance!
Yosemite Sam, I believe....
Open ID... hmmm, I don't seem to grasp exactly what it is, it's on here of it's own accord. Anyone know?
Dancing in August sounds good. Why not ask Paul and Suzanna??
I was just looking back at some old comments on the blog. Each time a comment gets posted, I get an email advising me of that. I have saved them all, starting with May 27, 2005. One early post had 22 comments in one day!!! The first post had 43 comments, that's about a yearly total now..... oh, well.
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