
Here are a few views from around the place this spring and other things tossed in for filler....
The mock orange bush was covered with blossoms this spring, and the aroma was awesome. (Expand these photos....)

Bryn decided to get rid of the Honda Rebel that she was riding a few years ago. It was a cool little bike, but bills and debts.... you know what I mean. So the little Rebel is now in Athens with an enthusiastic new owner.

The Peonies were prolific bloomers this year as well. This deep red one was right next to the house. The ones in the south bed bloomed a little later and did well.

We were well into spring and I was sitting in the living room one evening with the windows wide open. I almost fell out of my chair when this guy gobbled REALLY LOUD about ten feet from the house. He slowly made his way across the yard to the woods with a gobble about every ten yard of travel.

These yellow day lillys have been blooming in this spot for as long as I can remember. Lots of them this year.

I stopped at Subway, parked ARE car, used ARE checkbook to pay for ARE meal. I decided that I needed to use ARE camera to get a picture of THERE sign..... good grief.

Just another bloom....

Here my GPS shows that I am 14.5 miles from Phillips in my plane. I was on my way home from my bi-annual flight review, a requirement to keep my permit valid. In late June I flew to Merrill to meet with Steve, my instructor, for this review. We spent an hour reviewing rules, procedures, safety and all the things one needs to be aware of to be a proficient, safe pilot. Then we needed an hour in the air as the second requirement for this review. We decided that we would use the time to fly to Central Wisconsin airport in Mosinee where I could perform all the requirements for a class 'D' airport endorsement for my permit. That required me to contact the control tower with my intention to enter their airspace and land. When they tell you something, you need to repeat it back to them so THEY know that YOU know what they are talking about and you know what you are supposed to do. Other than that, you don't talk on the radio during all this as all other planes are also doing exactly what the tower tells them. Anyway, I needed to do three landings, park, and depart. We did two touch and go landings on the really wide, long north/south runway. On the third landing I said it would be full stop, so we stopped and requested parking at the terminal. He told us what taxiways to take, I repeated the instructions to him and off we went to parking. We regrouped and went over the departure request protocol, I called the tower and asked for a north departure. He gave me instruction, we took off into the wind to the south, climbed out with a left turn and headed towards Wausau. About five miles north I called the tower and informed them that I was leaving their airspace. Now I have the endorsement that allows me to land at the smaller towered airports. In Wisconsin, I think their may only be Eau Claire, Mosinee, Oshkosh and maybe a of couple others. I'll check on that.

We got some gravel hauled for the driveway. Four BIG loads, I hope we don't have to do that again for a while...

We also had Chris Meyer bring his skid steer loaded to our place so he could move, grade, smooth and pack this stuff down. He did a great job of crowning, sloping, etc and last time it rained we had NO STANDING WATER.
Anyway, I gotta go, Carlo
1 comment:
I enjoyed all the pictures again. Everything looks good around ARE house. Hee, hee.
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