Recently, during a lull in the action around here, I got out the rake, shovel, level, wheelbarrow, etc, and went to work on the deck. It has slowly been getting more out of level each year as the frost raises it in winter. It goes down in the spring, but never quite enough. I jacked it all up a little and cut 5" off the eastern most posts, and about 2.75" off the others. Then I lowered the deck back onto the posts.

It hasn't been that cleaned out under the deck in a long time. Now the light pole and umbrella post are standing up straight and I can stand to go out there again...

Trying to decide the final location of the new outdoor boiler. Thinking of between the big shed and the lilac bushes, closer to the bushes than the shed. The guy did not show up to do the digging this weekend, but the pulp wood did get delivered on Saturday. I'm going to wait a few days to see if this humidity leaves. Then we'll get going on the sawing and splitting.

Monday night I got the gravel we will need for making the base for the boiler and wood storage area. I hope the skid steer guy gets here soon.

This hay mower is on loan from a friend. I'm trying to get it set up to use with the old Ford tractor. Today I worked on the hitch pole and got it so I could attach the mower at the right distance behind the tractor. I did a little mowing tonight, but will have to do something about lowering the hitch so the PTO shaft is straighter. Always something...

It looks pretty sad there in the weeds without it's hitch pole. Oh, well, better days are ahead.
I gotta go, Carlo
Save some wood for me to cut Carlo.mmmkay
Good luck with all your projects, Gene. Wait until this hot weather abates and then tear into them!!!
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