
Soon as the weather starts turning a little, that's when the pulp truck shows up and drops 12 cords of hard maple pulp wood. Cut by Art Raleigh, delivered by young Joe Chizek, it soon will be turned into fuel for (I hope) about 1.5 years....

I skipped out of work early last Friday (10:00 A.M.) and headed north. I met Dan and Pat Lord at Da Palace and we headed out for Little Pelican Lake, about 12 miles west of 13 on highway 70.
We drove quite a way on an unplowed woods road, but managed to get to the lake without getting stuck.

Ivan grabbed the rope and headed out with the fishing sled.....

A short walk to the lake was through a pleasant little balsam woods.

O.K., we got some holes drilled and cleaned out, Dan got his Vexilar depth finder/locator going. Fishing was slow and the only thing we got were some very small perch.... doh!!!

Seeing as how I was on vacation, I insisted on spending as much time as I could recharging the old batteries.

Ivan worked at getting some fish we could take home and clean, but it was not to be.

I like the lighting in this photo. I took my turn at pulling the sled through the rapidly melting snow. The ice by now was covered by a layer of melt water, and the weather was pleasant.

We arrived back at Da Palace, got rid of the heavy fishing clothes and started thinking about curing the hunger we all had.

Fortunately, it's a short walk to Wintergreen Resort from the palace. And that's what we did, we hoofed it to the resort.

Wintergreen Lake was looking quite wet by the time we got there. Temps up in the 40's and we were loving it.

A good view of Wintergreen.... kind of.

Onlyhow, when we got back to the palace, Greg and Mycal were there, along with Tom and Kyle. We had a really good fish fry (good job, Greg) and even a little BS. I know, that's hard to believe....

We finished off the evening with some Texas Hold'em. Tom's son Kyle won the first one..... and young Mycal won the second. Go figure..
We stayed overnight at the palace, and Saturday morning I left for home. The rest of the crew went fishing again, a few lasted until early afternoon, then they all split for home. Another 'northren' adventure....
I gotta go, Carlo
What great fun! Love all the pictures.
That is a wonderful looking wood pile. How do you plan to cut it up??
Well, it's a good thing you read this, Lucy.....
Anyway, I'll get out the chain saw, earplugs and gloves and wail away at it. Last year the pile was 7 cords instead of the 12 cords this year. Ivan and I sliced up that pile in about 3-4 hours, so I guess I'll be at it about 2 days on my own....
The wood pile makes me tired...
The fishing trip looks like a ton of fun despite the lack of fish! spring is almost here. beyoutiful day
Yes, It was beautiful up here today too.. and yesterday was pretty darn good too... Today I almost complained that it was too warm. whoops... better not do that for a long time yet..:)
We spent the majority of the day in the garage today. Gene put some shelves up in the "garage proper" yesterday and I'm starting to go through the "stuff" I brought down here, to get ready for a garage sale. (hopefully in early May) There will be a lot to do before we have it... but it will be good to be done with the extra "junk" that we don't need. I'm sure that we both will be able to find some things... and it sounds like mom wants to bring some stuff down too.
Looking forward to seeing all of our kids this weekend (I hope). (spring break).
Hope all are well and have enjoyed this lovely weather.
hugs to all. ps
The lake sure looks like a lot more fun than work!!! What a great way to spend a spring afternoon!
Hey Kristi... congrats to you on your finish in the snowshoe race in Washington state. I'm impressed. For me, being related to someone that finished in the 'top two thirds' of the best female snowshoe racers in the nation.... well, I'm impressed. good job.
Hey PS...let me know what will be at a garage sale. I may need to purchase items pre-sale????
Yram and all, we will send out pictures of anything "homestead related" prior to "putting in the sale....that way, everyone can just take what they want from that list...AND we'll get a chance to see everyone again when they come to pick it up. :)
hugs... ps
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