
Seeing as Peg sold her Phillips house, and we needed to remove all our stuff from there, that necessitated moving the old Hammond organ. This is something that entered my life as a result of participating in
Northwoods Players, a local theater group. I got to know Katie's mom because they both did piano accompaniment for the shows and we had a mutual respect for each other. After Katie's mom died, Katie told me that Sarah Jane wanted her Hammond organ to go to me as no family members wanted it. So we hauled it home and I have messed with it on occasion. Last week I packed it up once more for the move.....

Of course Ivan was willing to help and we loaded it into his truck. We had picked a somewhat warm, clear day so we did not need to cover it for the three minute trip to.......

Donna's house! We had talked about having to move the thing, we really didn't have room at the moment, would she like it? Yes!

She seemed really happy to get it, and had cleared a bunch of stuff out of this room to
accommodate the Hammond.

A day or two later I showed up with the bench and the foot pedal unit. It's fully functional now and Donna is having fun messing around with it. She has her original book for beginning to learn piano, so we'll see what

I surely enjoy firing the wood boiler after dark. It's fun to open that door to the immense, wild looking bed of coals. It's amazing how long these coals will keep the water warm in the boiler.

Then, no matter how cold the firewood is, you pitch some in and in a minute or two the stuff is ablaze!! We're getting a load of hard maple pulp wood tomorrow for next season's firewood. 12 pulp cords worth.... that's a pile of wood 100" wide, 4 feet high, and 48 feet long. This pile will be cut lengthwise three times yielding a pile of wood 25" wide, 4 feet high and 192 feet long. This should be nearly a two year supply, maybe 1.75 years?
Looks like I will finally have something to do.......
I gotta go, Carlo
Gene, glad you have a new home for the organ. And that bed of coals looks good. Have you roasted any marshmallows there??
What a wonderful idea Lucy... gee, why didn't we think of that...?? Mom sure is enjoying "plunking" as she calls it.... She only took lessons for about 6 months, as a grownup and has the basic knowledge of the keys....so she will improve quickly if she keeps at it.. and boy, does she smile then.
OH that's cool! I'm glad it's getting used and it still looks great...Rosie
I mentioned the possibility of music around the organ next year at Christmas time, and mom was thrilled with the idea..... I only remember playing a couple of Christmas songs for my grandparents one year... and since then, we have always relied on tapes or cd's... hmmm. I wonder if they were trying to tell me something... :) this will be wonderful for all of us over there.
I ran over to Wausau on Friday night, to grab a few things and called Rosie to see if she wanted to join us (my friend Marianne was there too)for supper. She had come down with a dandy of a cold, and wasn't feeling like she wanted to head out, so she told me what she wanted and I brought it over to her. I picked up a few things in hopes of making her feel better... juice, cough drops,stuff. Hope it works, sure hope you feel better soon... sleep a lot, fluids... you know the routine. :) now go to bed.... :) and know we love you.
have you learned Telstar yet? cool organ...wish it was mine!
Grandma has sure enjoyed "plunking" away on the piano!! It's nice seeing her excited about playing in the evenings!
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