Well, so much for guest writing..... this blogging is not as easy as it sounds, eh folks? First you have to think about it, organize it, type it out, find some visual content.....yadda, yadda.......
O.k. Here we go.

I accompanied the 'fish king' to Cranberry Lake about a week ago. What wonderful scenery! One does not have to travel too far to get "into the beauty of the North". I had gotten out my fly rod and checked my flies, arranged a fishing vest that I had gotten a few years ago and was ready to do battle with the 'brutes' that inhabit the lake.

Ivan always looks completely at home in that boat of his. Readying for the battle......

Sometimes he is almost out of site in amongst the bull rushes, hunting the mighty blues.

We met up out in the middle of the lake and Ivan was impressed with the backdrop. He loaned me two of his fish ;-) so he could take this photo.......

O.k., we're ready to head to the south side of the lake to see how many lunker blues were holed up in one of Chuck's favorite spots. We did really well there, with the flies producing almost as well as Ivan's angle worms.

We paddled through a boggy morass to locate this tiny little gem of a lagoon. What could be better?

We pulled out kayaks up on the bog in this secluded wonderland, listened to the birds, listened to fish splash in the next pothole, and had a beverage. Ah, the joys of being on a week of layoff....

A red winged blackbird kept a wary eye on us as we sat on our boats on the bog.

And it's mate was perched a few yards away on the other side. Not good photos, but you get the idea. they are a little better if you double click on them. That usually helps any of these photos.

These boats really get you back into the secluded areas. Prime for the giant gills that cruise the fertile waters of Cranberry.

Even the turtles know a good thing when they find it.......

And here the fruits of our labors... well the fruits of out goofing off, that is. Notice the one on the left side of the lower batch.... Now that's what I call fresh fish!! This photo is at the Ivan'sPumphouse, and those fish were minutes away from being cleaned and packed in cold water. Fresh bluegills, garlic mashed potatoes and fresh asparagus are commonly served to spring guests at the Ottertail Lodge. Just give us a little notice.......
I gotta go, Carlo
So glad you worked on the blog again. Must have been a wonderful adventure and I am drooling over those fish!! What a fun time you must have had.
It really does look mighty inviting doesn't it. I'm hopeful to get out there sometime soon too, if, for no other reason, just to paddle around. I think that sometime today we will be having fish and some asparagus that we got from Johnson's rhubarb/asparagus bed the other day. Will have to go and get some more rhubarb too. Does anyone have any interest in some rhubarb? We could bring some down when we head down the next time.
Yesterday we headed to Wausau to get the necessary stuff to get Gene's recumbant bike back in good working order, and, I bought myself a good sturdy "old lady" bike... Maybe we'll find the time/energy to go bike riding together now... and to loose some weight/get into better shape again. No matter what, I'm looking forward to riding it.
I think that both ob the girls will be home for a bit this week. It will be nice to see them again..
We have finally, gotten the majority of the garage almost back to normal. I don't suppose that a garage sale is normally a "big thing" for most people, but we had brought so very much stuff down here at one time,... I'll try to quit whining.. :)
The girls and I will be going out to "Old Fort Niagara" over the 4th of July weekend. We will be participating in the 250th reinactment of the "fall of the French" at that site... This is the first time that the three of us have traveled together in a long time. I really am getting excited. I've been sewing like crazy, trying to get all the clothing "in order". Rosie has decided that she would love to participate as a French marine, during the day, so I'm making some new outerclothes/accoutrements for her for that portion of her day, and she will need new girl clothes too, as she was more of a "girl" when we participated before. Yup, going to be a "busy me" between now and then, but I am so looking forward to the adventure. There is a slight possibility that Bryn and I may don "boy clothes" for a portion of the time out there too. I already have all of mine, but will need to make a few more things for Bryn too,in order to allow her to "past muster" in the ranks. Yup, looking forward to it all.
more later.
hugs. ps
can someone else please write something sometime, or even just comment.... please..!! Let's all try to participate a little more, otherwise, I'm afraid that someday, the blog might cease to exist. waaa
Okay Peggy, your sob story and begging worked. I'll FINALLY leave a comment. Actually Greg and I really enjoy the blog (it's saved in my "favorites" on my computer) and know what time it takes to put it all together so, THANKS CARLO - keep up the nice work!! I certainly see a lot more of my Dad and can keep tabs on his adventures this way - haha! The pictures of all the different outings and gatherings are great - Don't let the blog die! See you soon, NB.
You're right - preparing a posting for the blog is "harder" (a/k/a more time consuming) than I expected. But I'm still working on the USSSA article for you!
Thanks again for biking with me during my 9 mile run last Monday. It was sure nice having company!!
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