It's about time for some more guest editorials. In the past, I have asked others to share thoughts, events, whatever. You can type a big email that I can copy/paste into a post, email photos or I can insert something from my thousands of pix, or just the text will do. The first six links below are answers to a request for help with, I think, the second anniversary of this blog. I think there were some others but I can't seem to locate them. Its amazing what I run across when looking back through old posts..... and the end of May is anniversary time again, four years of this drivel..... lucky you!
So I once again beg for guest posts about whatever, like maybe the United States Snow Shoe Association's races or something like that. Maybe something from someone who reads this but hasn't found time to comment?? Now is your chance, send me something.....
Here are the links to some past contributions:
Aunty M
Early Rosie
Brazil 1
Brazil 2

What a lot of wood. Nice of Ivan to help. I reread some of the entries from past blogs and they are so wonderful and I had to cry all over again. How many cords do you have to use to get you thru the winter???
Yes, Ivan really is a great friend and a lot of help... and he and Gene sure make a good team, working very well together.
Yup, I read a lot of the old "entries" too... and I really would like to know a little more about your earlier times Lucy... How about describing one of your early dates with Herbie, or maybe you could describe how Herbie proposed to you, or tell us all about your wedding day... or, anything you would like to....
thanks ps
Ah yes, the good ol' United States Snow Shoe Association (USSSA)!! I will work on a post for you to enlighten everyone on the joys of snowshoeing!! By the end of the week I'll try to get you a write-up and some pictures!!
Great job on that wood pile! It seems that once a wood-burning stove is installed, it consumes one's life!
Great!! Now that will be an excellent start, who will be next to step up?????
I gotta go, Carlo..........
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