
I recently took a trip to Boulder Junction. It's a nice little town a little North of Woodruff. Being the Musky capitol of the world, the sports and fishing theme is evident in most of the town.

Here is a typical looking business place, alot of the buildings look somewhat new, and there a alot of small businesses, tourist type things, and that's about it.

Here is the place I went to visit. It is Sherer's We-Tie-It store. Bill Sherer makes his living tying flies, selling all types of fishing gear and is known as one of the leading guides for Musky fishing with fly rod as his specialty. Anyway, he had helped me out with selecting some equipment to use with the heavy duty fly rod I had put together a few years ago. Remember wrapping those line guides, Bryn??? I was having some trouble with the knot connecting the 30# test monofilament to the 20# single strand titanium wire. This set-up is used at the fly to prevent the big toothed critters from severing the leader. He showed me the know, I tied several until I had it right. Anyway it was a nice drive from Park Falls across 182 to Boulder.....

A week ago Friday I visited the Palace on Wintergreen. The boys have been busy getting a deck built on one and a half sides of the building. It's now done with all railings in place and a nice stairway to the ground.

They seem to be pleased with the deck, and probably with themselves.... but I kid the boys.....

Hailee visited us the following weekend, three days.... Peggy was busy, I was under the weather for 2 of those days. Anyway, she's a ham for the camera.

Notice the scrape on her right cheek bone? She wasn't paying attention and fell down the concrete steps at the front of the house. Glad it wasn't any worse!!

Asleep 5 minutes and already crossways in the bed.... I slept on the couch while she was here, and granny had to deal with her active sleeping style.

Yeah, she's a real ham for the camera. Go figure, huh?

Playin' and singin', that's what she does best........
I gotta go, Carlo
Hey, there, Carlo.... long time no see. I've been busy as a bee at the Possum Lodge....
Good post.
yup, nice post Carlo..again....
sure was fun with Hailee again... really full of energy.... and yes, she really does love the piano, and singing, and hats, and both of us...
guess that we're just lucky.
thanks for the reminders of the nice time again.
Loved the pictures. Hailee at the piano (or organ) looks so much like Donna. I was glad to see Sherer's place I remember years ago Herb and I ordered some muskie bait for Gene for a xmas present. Did you ever use them or catch a muskie on one??
I love Boulder Junction. One of my best friends Cheryl lives there in the house she grew up in.
Hat Hailee is a doll. I love those summer kids...brown and just undies.
Hailee is cute as ever!! Love her in the big hat, playing the piano! She definitely is part of the family!!
"Ran" into a fellow blogger, Ivan, a the 5K race in Phillips on the 4th. Knew he looked familiar, but it took a while to figure out from where! Finally realized he was famous from the blog! Small world!
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