Ottertail Country

Ottertail Country
Ottertail South

June 29, 2009

Orange blossoms...


Lucy recently asked about the mock orange bush. Well let me tell you, it is about as full of blossoms as I've ever seen. One day recently, with no wind blowing, the whole yard smelled of those blossoms. Awesome!

Of course the Peonies are trying to grab their share of glory...

I think this bush may need some pruning... maybe divide it and get a few more going. Anyone know about this process???

That's about it, keep your eyes on this blog for an upcoming feature. I promise it will be great!

I gotta go, Carlo



Anonymous said...

Bravo!!!!! I am so glad to see these pictures. You can trim back that bush or divide it. We got those two there when Mattson's divided a bush they had. Maybe Mary, and Liz would like a piece of it.

Love, Lucy

Going to a ball game today with Kate, Paul and family and Jenny.

yram said... that smell. great follow up to lilacs. what is next on the flower calendar?

Anonymous said...

The fresh smell of summer! Gotta love it! Kristi

Anonymous said...

The suspense is getting to me - what is the upcoming feature??
