
Food related documentation..... but first the obligatory sunset.

Lee Fisher was the organizing force behind this adventure, food wise anyway. He's been going on houseboat vacations for about 8 years now. He knows what and how much to bring for how many people. Everyone pitched in with the cooking and clean-up chores, and we ate VERY WELL for the 8 days we were there. Above is part of the living room, dining area, kitchen, pantry area. We just had gotten on the boat and Lee was busy storing away the foodstuff....

Ivan had brought his gas cooking set-up, and he treated us to really good walleye and northern fillets and french fries. Outdoor dining at it's finest!!

There was a gas grill on the front deck of the houseboat, and Lee had brought some pork chops for Sunday evening. And here I thought we were going to be OD'ing on fish. I guess I didn't complain about this meal......

The table in the dining area was just big enough for the whole crew.

That's right, Ken. Hat's off to the chef!

There is nothing quite as tasty as a shore lunch done with freshly caught fish, beans and bread. Here Greg is taking a turn at the fry pan that was perched on a couple of stones. These lunch locations can be found in many locations around the lake, and they are used often.

Quite unexpectedly, we met up with Virgil, Dan and Mike Lord. They knew we were at Lake of the Woods and they decided to make a 3 day fishing trip there as well. We met with them on the houseboat a couple of times, and enjoyed this shore lunch with them.

Another look at Greg at the cook fire.

Another day, another shore, another lunch.... Here Ivan is cooking freshly caught fish for Mycal and Kyle. This was after the dreaded portage into Cuss Lake (no fish were caught in there, no wonder it has this name).

I believe this was lasagna, garlic bread and corn. One night we had boiled fish, the best! Mornings were pancakes or french toast or scrambled eggs, etc. Lunches were often cold fish from the night before, sandwiches or whatever we could put together. If we ate like this all the time, we would be buying bigger clothes.......
Come back for an episode on "Fish"......

A vacation to remember and recall time and again. Thanks for the interesting trip to Canada.
You're absolutely correct with that remark Lucy, certainly a "trip to remember and recall time and again"... and now that it has been "blogged", we all can "call" while Gene "recalls". :)
Yup, I'm glad to see things appearing again. Thanks for taking all the time to make this happen for all of the rest of us.
hugs to all. ps
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