
Oh, right.... first, the sunset.

The kayaks were stored on the upper deck during transport. The deck was quite full when we got them all up there, three single place, two double place.

Remember the bit about the first fish? Well,
Mycal was also the first into a kayak. He just seemed plain old happy to be up there!

One morning the plan was to load gear for fishing and eating and head west from Beacon island. About 4 miles away was a place where one could portage in to Cuss Lake, about 1/8 mile inland.
There would be tons of fish caught and a celebratory shore lunch......

Beautiful area, not too rough but with some rather steep climbs up some rocks.

A dandy little lake, ringed by woods and rock ridges. The only problem was that NO FISH WERE CAUGHT!! I guess that explains the name of the lake........

Ken really took to the late evening walleye fishing. This was his first serious use of kayaks and he really like them and has since bought a pair of them!
Mycal lands another nice
smallie..... kayaks are just the best fishing boats!

Ken and
Mycal spent lots of evening hours hunting for walleyes.....

Carlo heads out on an adventure, down through "Chanel
Dangereaux", or dangerous channel. It lead down to Blueberry Inlet. The channel is narrow, shallow and ... well, dangerous (for boats). Did I mention that it was full of big, hard, sharp rocks just a little below the surface?

nuff said.....

Go figure! One shirt says "I'm a Fish Magnet" and the other says "Shut Up and Fish". True
kayakaholics, these two.....

We threatened to make Ken put some
nav lights on that kayak.

On Thursday, I took off on my own to do some paddling. I made nearly a circumnavigation of Yellow Girl Bay, where our house boat was moored. This beautiful little bay was on the opposite side of Yellow Girl, and I took a break here for water, granola and stretching. Right about the spot where I took this photo, I found some beaver tracks and drag marks from where the critter dragged some aspen branches to the water. I suppose it then floated them over to the lodge that you can see way down the shore. There were lots of beaver lodges on the lake. I also made it up the Adams River Bay to the waterfalls where Adams comes into the lake. Nice spot. I got back to the house boat as the weather started to look like rain, and a few drop landed as I beached my yak. It had been about 5.5 hours of paddling and feasting my eyes on the world around.

If you haven't been enlarging these photos, you need to do it for this one at least. What wonderful sunsets!! Maybe it's just because of the big water and open skies? What ever the reason, these were the best evenings one could want.

Here we are loading the kayaks for the last time on Friday. This trip could not have been as great as it was without these little craft. Well, that's MY story and I'm sticking to it.....
Come back to visit again, when we see the 'natural wonder' of Lake of the Woods.

What more can be said about your wonderful trip? The pictures are great and wish I had a panful of those beautiful fish.
Thanks for the trip.
How beautiful! The peace and quiet of such a trip is to be treasured for a long time! All of these great photos and stories made me recall some memorable trips up to Canada with family and friends. And now I'm yearning to go again!
your kayak pictures are incredible. I think you could sell those to the house boat company to use for advertising.
Great photography!
Lucy, the next best thing would be those fillets we are saving in the freezer.....
Kristi, have you ever been on a house boat? Think about it.....
Yram, tell you what, I'll sell my photos to you at a very reasonable rate, then you can resell them for advertising... make a bundle, I'll bet.
Never been on a houseboat - yet! Everytime I've been up there we have taken our canoes, and made a loop around the lakes. Each day we would do lots of paddling, and portaging, followed by more paddling! And I should mention some good fishing too!
Kristi, is it the boundary waters you go to with canoes? I have never been there, but have dreamed about kayaking there sometime. Rose and Bryn and I took kayaks to Turtle-Flambeau flowage once. We packed all our stuff into three kayaks and camped on an island for a couple days. Interesting adventure.
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