Since Peggy goes to Camp Tesomas for the week this time every year, I usually head over there on Wednesday for the family supper in their camp. Tesomas is a bit north of Rhinelander on Christal(sp) Lake. I went to camp there three times back when I was a lad, and it's always fun to see the place.

The water front looks pretty much the same, only the lake looks smaller these days. I suppose I remember it as a giant body of water when I was young?

I know we didn't have any boats like these! We had canoes and a few 12 or 14" Alumacraft boats. Times change, I guess.

This is what the trail looks like to the campsite. It's about 1/4 mile from the main area and buildings to the place the Phillips troop camps. Nice big trees...

Soon you come to this Scoutcraft area. It's where they.. well, do scoutcraft. You know, rope stuff, lashing, fire starting, and whatnot....

I remember working on a walkway like this for Soil & Water Conservation merit badge at Tesomas.

This is the Eagle Quest area. You'll have to ask Peggy what they do here, cause I don't know.

Following are some pics of the camp during the evening meal. Alot of the kids parents show up and bring things to eat and the scoutmaster always makes a huge pot of beef stew. Yum. I brought a pasta salad, and there were two more of them there. Oh, well.....

Peg's brother, Gary, and nephew Jordan.
John is an Eagle scout so I will get the scoop from him. Are Eagle Quests kinda the same from troup to troup I wonder? We make fun of his badges...alot of them that are very cryptic! Could be cooking or could be chef? Could be sewing or maybe knot tying? hmmmmmm....heehee
Eagle Quest is just the area/location at Camp Tesomas where the boys can work on their requirements for Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class ranks. These requirements are not Merit Badge specific, but generally Scout type things like how to tie knots, reading a compass, fire building, how to safely use a knife, ax, and hatchet, first aid etc. They also learn a lot of general citizenship stuff like how to fold a flag, general rights and responsibilities for being a citizen/Boy Scout.
We had a great week, even though it was way too hot. We brought 42 really great kids, and all together there were about 550 kids there all week. pretty amazing.
yuck, I just realized that tomorrow I have to return to work. Rats... it's always tough to return to work after a week with all "my boys" :)
Today we spent a little time on the lawn, in the garage and in the sewing room. Lucy is coming back up sometime late this week. Gonna be nice to have her back up here... We ran into Mary O. while we were out on our bike ride this evening and Gene told her that Lucy was coming home... she sounded excited... cool.
good nite all.
Peggy, I have to admire your devotion to the boys in the scouts. As well as enjoyment there must be frustration and a lot of work. Bravo to you.
Gee, I just looked at the pictures again... and saw "my home away from home"... the cute little "two tone blue tent". It's in the picture just before the ones with my brother and nephew in them. It is getting tougher by the year to deal with the little tent... might have to get something a tad bigger before too long. It really would be nice to be able to stand up completely once in a while, without having to setp outside. Oh well.
I still do really enjoy spending time with the boys. This was my 21st year at summer camp I think... I'm aiming for 25... and then we'll see. :)
Gene and Ivan went out fishing tonight... it will be interesting to see what they caught. :)
g-night all.
Go Peggy! So nice kids are doing something fulfilling and healthy! And you are a part of it. Must feel good at the end of a long camp out. Wish I could get Sadet involved in such things.
Yes...I have something on the mirror in my camera and have to get it professionally cleaned I guess. I could photoshop out the rings if I were inclined to do so but as you can see, I am not! yikes. old age abounds. scary.
CRIPES man, I'm tired ov camp all reddy...hello modder hello fadder here I am at camp granodder, it is raining and sum other stuff like poison ivy...
So...did you stay at camp? is that why there are no new posts? no computers at camp???? sheesh
I'm camped out man......are you burning the camp'l at boat ends? or are your hands camped up and you can't type onlyhow? Maybe your just too camped tired of everything..? Or perhaps you camp recall nothun no more!... Camp, camp, camp, they call me the camper..or would that be rapper? As in rap this camp up dude!!! Have a GREAT Day kids...That was fun!
camp understan that last camp rant. i camp and i achus i yi i yi!
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