On Friday evening, July 6th, I called Allan Granberg and asked if he could haul two loads of sandy pitrun and dump them at the northwest corner of the garage, he asked
'when', I said anytime, O.K., I'll be there at 7:00 tomorrow morning.... So I called a friend from Prentice to see if he still had his skid-steer loader, yes, can you come down tomorrow, yes....

So, I started inside the garage Saturday morning, working on garage door openers.... one box was missing parts, but I finally got it together and working. Meanwhile, Chris Meyer was busily spreading and grading the fill on the west side and part of the south side.

Two loads was just enough to get a good grade away from the building to prevent wash-out. Here he is, part way through the project.

When he was done with the leveling, I asked if he could cut some sod and topdirt out of the south end of the circle lawn, so as to make the drive wide enough in front of the garage. That's what he's doing here.

Chris suggested that I call to see if Allan could haul another load of pitrun to fill in where he dug out, then he could level that out as long as the skid-steer was there. I called, Allan said "....O.K." By the time Allan got here with the pitrun, we had decided that we should try for the top gravel today, as well...

After Al dumped the pitrun, I asked about the gravel, he said he would be back in an hour, so Chris got busy spreading the pitrun and getting it packed down. He really knows how to operate that thing, and he got done just as Al got back.

So now the gravel is all done, as far as the drive in the vacinity of the garage. We'll need more later on the rest of the driveway and some more around the east side of the garage, but that will have to wait for a while..

In the photo above, you can see the blobs of sod that Chris dug out of the circle drive. He asked if I was going to roto-till it all up, or did I want to save the sod for along the garage? Good idea, Chris, just dump it along the top of the slope, I'll put it out flat later. A few days later, Ivan showed up and we did a patchwork sod laying job. There was enough to get the whole drip area covered and then some. We left it a little way from the slab so we can put some washed rock in there so we don't have to mow or trim next to the building.
Next time I'll tell you about the christening of the new building and a July snowball.....
I gotta go, Carlo
Wow...nothing like getting a job done. Amazing what a couple guys with big trucks and tracks can do!
How about we get one of those guys to drive to Marinette/Mountain with a kayak and canoe. We have food and kegs of beer!
Looks great there. yram-a-bama
I mean a kayak and a riding lawn mower. you could bring a canoe too I suppose.
Hmmm.... not out of the question, but I think it would be Carlo bringing the stuff. I was going to post tonight, but I stopped off to return Ivan's ladder and see how his knee was doing, and I was thirsty, and now I'm not thirsty but in no mood to post????
It looks really nice Dad!! I was wondering if you were going to make the area by the doors of the garage bigger! I'm still amazed you got the doors put together and up!! :-) It's been raining since Sunday afternoon and I want it to stop!!! It makes it cold and there is no heat in any of the buildings here!!!! Miss you and love you, Rosie
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