Thursday and Friday evenings were spent putting up soffit panels. Sawing the aluminum panels from 12' lengths was a real treat, loud and aluminum shrapnel everywhere....

Here are a few miscellaneous views of the work in process.

This was an all too common view, just at the start of yet another trip up the ladder.

This cool step/fold out to 10' ladder has been indispensable on this jobsite. Recognise it, Mag? The greenish tint in the photo is from the green grass and woods close by.

Sunday late afternoon found Peg's mom and Russel Mattson at the homestead for grilled items too numerous to mention.... really good, thanks, Peg!

I started on the fascia work on Saturday afternoon late. I just finished things on Sunday evening, got into the house at 8:00. It's all over now except for the overhead doors. Oh, yeah, and the electric...

I need a vacation.....
Later, Carlo
The garage is looking good Carlo!
Looks like party time soon.....
Yee, haaaa!!!!1
Once again, nice pictures!!! Nice to see Russ and Donna at the old kitchen table. Have to get up there soon. Plan to spend a week with Mary sometime this month while Sadet is there. Garage looks wondedful.
It really is wonderful.... the garage, the husband, the friends that helped, the family that listens and comments... the cool nights as of late... lots of really wonderful things up here.
Yes Lucy, do come up...
I'll be leaving for Scout camp on the 22nd of July for a week...but other than that I think we're pretty open.
Rosie stopped by yesterday evening. Sure was nice to see her again.. never can get too much time with "the young'ens" now that they are all out in the "working world".. I'm really impressed, amazed and terribly proud of Rosie and her upcoming adventure... I will be especially happy when she is back home and telling us all about her safe trip...
I hope all of you have a fun but safe 4th of July.. (my grandfather's chosen birthday)... It wasn't his real one, but when he came to the USA from Norway, and was asked for his birthday, well, he was so proud to be able to be here in the USA that he took the 4th of July to be his birthday too. must not have had a birth certificate.
so, be safe, have fun... and feel free to come up and visit sometime.
hugs... ps
Lovely Tyvek!! Happy Fifth of July!
ya, lovely Tyvek... when mom stopped down, she said that she thought we had written TRUCK on the garage as a joke.... now that's funny.
Well, it looks as though the first garage door is officially in/done... cool.
Hey, I think we went hunting last night... and again tonight.... hunting stripes... and got 6 last night... and 2 more tonight... pretty amazing... a little aromatic aound here... if you get my drift.
That's it for news here.
Hope everyone had a great, safe 4th. We did.
Have a grand weekend.
later, ps
Hi Carlo,
Pleez let me know if I can help with anything this week....mmmkay. I think my calender iz semi emtee for this week, sortov...
post anutter wun dat...mmmkay
yikes, is this a trend? will "anonymous" post at 4:49 A.M. tomorrow morning?... Stay tuned to see what happens...
hey, some wonderful person came over and stacked some wood for us last night.. it sure looks great... hmmm but I'm surprised that our "certain someone" didn't take the wood.
have a great day everyone.
The certain someone did take one load of wood and plans on hauling the rest later. And THANKS MUCH for the wood by the way!!! I will put it to wood use. ;-)
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