Yikes, I'm really far behind!! These pics are from August 18th, for crying out loud. Chris and Ashley and Hailee came up to visit. It had been a while since they were here and Hailee has grown. Still no hair, though.....

They had come up on Price County Fair weekend and they attended that on Sunday for the demo-derby. Peg visited the fair with Hailee and I stayed home and worked in the woods. On Saturday, the weather was rainy, so I got the grill close to the house to see if that would work.

Things went well until I kept the window open a little too long while checking on things. The smoke alarm in the kitchen went off big time...... I'll have to keep that in mind for the future. So I just moved the grill out and braved the weather (which was not all that bad).

Here are a couple of pics of the great feast of steak, corn, potato/onion on the grill, mashed potato and fruit salad.

For some undetermined reason, Hailee still does not cotton to me. Rather unbelievable, wouldn't you say??? This is about as good as it gets--she'll do a big, inhaling "oooohhh" for the camera. There is no accounting for some peoples likes or dis-likes, as the case may be.
_____________Hey, fly that aeroplane, would ya???_____________

What a fun day that was...I took Hailee on the Ferris Wheel, twice, and we saw all of the animals that were there... we practiced all of our animal noises as we came to a new animal type. Hailee had a little difficulty with the pigs, kept pulling at her nose... (imagine that) so we didn't stay around the pigs very long.
It was nice to have mom here to play with Hailee too, she really enjoyed seeing everyone.
I tried talking to Hailee on the phone the other night, but when she heard my voice,and I told her that I was "grandma Peggy" her only responce was "PaPa... PaPa"... so, maybe she hasn't softened up to you, but you sure have made an impression on her.
We spent last weekend moving Bryn into her new "home-away-from-home". We're certainly glad that Lucy and the rest of you, are near her.
Why are you going to quit blogging???? Look at it as a nice diary and journal for your kids and grandkids! Nice time at the old home and thanks for the pics. I must say, your solution to the grill in bad weather was creative not to mention lazy and woosy! heehee
Thanks for the lovely pictures!! Please don't give up the blog cause I enjoy looking at the pictures of the old place. We picked up Bryn and Ruth on Monday and took them to breakfast with us -- that is Kate and I. Keep up the good work.
Yeah Carlo, PLEASE don't give it up. We are Ottertail blog junkies and wut wud we doo if ya stop da blog. Maybe we wud luze hour ahbillatee tue rite. Love ya dude and thanks for the update.
NOOOOOOOOOO - don't stop blogging. It's the only way we southerners get to know what's going on up there. Love your pics!
Puff Debbie Dog & The Jelleys (sounds like a band,no?)
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