These pictures are from a couple of weeks ago. Chuck was down here hauling in the pulp and sawbolts, I was down in the woods cutting more poplar trees.

I found quite a few nice trees that will yield some saw bolts and quite a bit of pulp wood. Take note of the trees in the background....

This photo is from a couple of days ago of the same trees, and as you can see, the coloration of the leave is progressing quite nicely.

Lots of color along the south side of the house. The yellow daisies are quite prolific, and the lanterns contrast nicely.

Wallpaper quality daisies........

These things are cool.

Remember the story of the ready-made lawn on the west side of the garage? It took hold well and flourished. I even went over it once with the lawn mower in late August.

The old maple by the deck is starting in with it's great colors. It's looking a little worse in the top every year. Wonder how long it will last?

_____________Hey, fly that aeroplane, would ya???_____________

So glad to see the new pictures. I did not realize the trees up there had that much color already. Winter is not far behind!!
Wow...great color in the leaves. Amazingly beautiful and all for free! Isn't that a hoot.
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