This weekly trip to Milwaukee gig has to come to an end! This time we started by going to Wausau and packing the van FULL of Bryn's stuff. I didn't know just how much stuff you could fit in one of these things...

And here is Bryn, leaving her apartment for the last time, leaving Rosie to fend for herself. Sounds like Rosie has another girlfriend lined up to share the apartment, so that worked out all right.

And voilá! Here we are at the new digs in Milwaukee. Pay no attention to the fire trucks in the background, it's just a minor disruption in the community..... this was occuring two doors down the street.

We saw all sorts of guys in fire suits, a couple of trucks, sirens going off, but we did not see any fire or smoke or anything else. The trucks left after a few minutes???? Hmmm...

Anyway, here is the house where Bryn and Ruth are living. I was told it was a first floor apartment, but with all the steps up and the porch, well, you get the idea. It's a nice old house that has been recently fixed up.

Another view of the porch area. You can see the shadows on the sidewalk from a maple tree along the street. There are alot of trees in the neighborhood, which makes the city living a little easier (I'm guessing...)

Here's the view from the front porch. Bryn and Ruth rely on the city bus for transportation, and there is a stop a block up the street. They get bus passes from the university. Sounds like they have bicycled to the lakefront area (maybe a mile or so east of their apartment).

Here is the living room,looking into the kitchen. The floors are hardwood and everything looks nice and fresh inside from the remodeling.

A nice big kitchen area, plenty of cabinets, washer and dryer in the basement that they can use without charge.

Everything has been hauled in and sort of placed. Bryn and Peggy finish putting the casters back on the chest of drawers and that about finishes the work part. After a while, Ruth went to work and the rest of us headed over to Lucy's apartment. We visited there a while, then took Lucy over to see Bryn's place.

We thought about going out for supper and I recalled seeing this place. A family-run establishment in a turn-of-the-century building, this eclectic restaurant is a minor landmark in a historic neighborhood. The building was once one of the Schlitz Brewing Company's taverns,

and the Schlitz globe and emblem still crown the spire over the entrance. Surrounded by mature trees and older homes, the imposing brick exterior is in stark contrast to the simple Formica tables inside. Well that's what the website said, and it was a pretty cool place.

Looks like these two were having a good time! Kate joined us a little late, as she had been shopping with Jenny and Piera. The food was really great and the menu had lots of different things, mostly Serbian and German style dishes.

They had two imported beers from Europe. One was calle Golden Pheasant, which was O.K., but a little two sweet for my tastes. The other was Kruśovice and it was really good. I bought a bottle to take home with us.......
_____________Hey, fly that aeroplane, would ya???_____________

Did Gene mention that we had Serbian food at the Brothers resaurant? It was quite good. Bryn's apartment is very nice and really clean. The back yard is fenced in and has a big table with chairs and umbrella.
Very nice blogging dar hey!!! :-)
Nice pics of the gang. I like the Lucy and Bryn pics. Looks like nice digs for the city. Nice local though....close to the lake and the eclectic neighborhoods in that area of town. Hope school goes well for the Brynster. Check out Green Island View. Posted a video for the first time.
Tranmission fluid staying where it should be?
Thanks for carrying out all the "parental duties" regarding Bryn's move - really appreciate seeing the pictures of her apt and neighborhood ...
wuz ya goeun to a 35 year class reunion or just moving stuff, cuz I think you wouldn't or shouldn't MISS a 35 year reunion with a bunch of cool kids ya know.
No, we were not going to a class reunion. I believe it was Yram that missed the event you are alluding to.....
I gotta go, Carlo
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