You may recall the day I posted about this broken window on the west side of the Lodge.

This is the actual posted photo, complete with photoshop cirles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each.... oh, wait, that's Alice's Restaurant... Anyway, this mess could not be blamed on Lucy, for she says in a comment:
"From the "OLD SQUIRREL HUNTER" - Stating the caliber of the bullet (correct word usage?) seems like Gene has incriminated himself. This hunter uses "only" the trusted 410."
It must be so, 'cause as you can see, she had gotten a personalized license plate. The question was, "what gun gets it done for squirrels?" She says, "410 duz"!

Today I noticed a different look to that window. More cracks! More glass fallen out! What the hey, anyway? And what is that laying on the ground????

Hmmm.... a "ruffled" grouse has crashed into the same window!!! It's dead, the window is really messed up now. Last winter Ivan said, "You haven't fixed that window yet????!!!" Now I'm glad I didn't.
Go figure....
A bird in the window is better than two in the bush!!!
Congrats on the ten pointer too!!
I thought two was a couple and three a crowd!! And don't forget early to bed---------
That doesn't look like a grouse on the ground. I does look something like a 22 rifle barrel with a cork in it. Must have thought you were putting the cork in a bottle and got all (fowled,hee,hee) up.
No, dat's defnittly a patteridge...
Sticks and stones can break my bones,
But birds can wreck the hell out of my windows.
play some Frank Zappa tonight. Enjoy Zappadan!
Yikes! Poor bird :-( Anyway, rather ironic though! Thanks for the help with my project. I registered for all my nursing classes today....half exciting, half scary!
I saw the project today... pretty impressive indeed. We didn't know any of the answers... oh well.
So you are officially "on your way" now eh? I think you will be an extrordinarily fine nurse. I'll have to stock up on yellow robes and note cards. :)
have fun....
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