O.K., here is the gun hunting report so far..... Saturday morning I got into my treestand at 6:00.
At 6:45 this buck came into view, following two does. At 80-90 yards out I shot at the buck and he dropped after running about 20 yards. The does had stopped at the sound of the shot, so I aimed at the bigger one and shot. It dropped immediately! So less than an hour into the season I had filled both my tags. Then the alarm rang and I got out of bed to get ready for the first morning of hunting......
On my way out to the woods, a flock of turkeys took off out some trees right above me. It was pitch dark, so it was kind of exciting to hear all this commotion and then realizing what it was. I saw nothing but red squirrels and a black squirrel until I got cold about 10:00. Went back to the house and that was all I hunted this weekend. May sit a few evenings this week, maybe not. I don't get too excited about rifle season these days, but will hunt the week after with the black powder guns.
I gotta go, Carlo
Gene, that first day of hunting "in your dreams" was something like the actual day you first went hunting and shot two or three - filled your tag and some other guys as well. Remember. We were so excited. '
John shot a doe today up in Brule...right by the corn pile! sheesh...this "hunting" stuff for some is more like a "wait and watch for the deer to come and eat"! Wuz up with that?
Watched "Escanaba in da Moonlight" last night (thanks for the tip Nyrb!). Hilarious! you must watch it someday...I can make you a copy in fact.
From what I hear, a person can never have too many really good funny movies. :) (ok, I don't hear that from too many people, but I do believe it, :).. neither of us have seen it, so that would be great Yram, thanks.
Go Johnny, does that mean that a person doesn't have to eat their vegetables when they have "that" venison?
It really is a typical late fall "gray" day today... kind of like it is "practicing" for the "real" gray days of winter. I can hardly wait for Spring already. I enjoy Fall weather, but I love the smell and colors of Spring.....Then, school will be out, and maybe we'll see more of the kids too.. look forward to seeing them during the Christmas holidays.... Any of the rest of the family planning on heading north during the holiday/winter?
Please just let us know.
happy hunting, for the rest of the season all.
so when a buck is 'runing', does that mean it is creating/writing/carving/embossing runes on something? hee hee, sorry! congresselations!
Ummmmm..... what does that comment mean, Nyrb?
See you over the holidays????
Nyrb: you are way too smart already so just drop out now! You are such a smarty pants! I love it! I say embossing on runes because it creates such an image.
I too wish for spring already! sheesh...what is up with that? I think we should be on eastern time here. really dark at 4:30. How about eastern and a half time?
What in blazes is all this talk of runes????? Please enlighten me....
Eastern and a half sounds good. The people from India have pointed out that they are on a time schedule that is 1/2 hour different from ours. Iran, India, Afghanistan and Myanmar (and a few islands in that area) have time zones 1/2 hour different from the rest of the world......
see them here: http://www.wall-maps.com/World/World_Time_zone_Map.htm and here: http://www.worldtimezone.com/
I know nothing of runes except runes. I am interested in the 1/2 time zone but the link does not work. Had no idea someplace actually did that! What a great idea.
That's not an actual link, you'll have to cut and paste, or wait for it in a post......
Nice buck deer dar hey!!! Congratulations Carlo!!!
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