Just to refresh you folks as to what we are hunting for, here is a European style mount that I did a few years ago. It was sitting on the woodpile in the Lodge, drying and getting white. I used Clairol Basic White and the extra strength hydrogen peroxide.

While I was on vacation, Old Man Winter stopped in for breakfast. It was a nice change of scenery for a while.... I guess. There was about an inch on Friday, and a dusting on Saturday. It's all gone now.

Now here's a good one. A new garage and here are all the vehicles outside, covered with snow and ice. Doh!!! That's going to change , I'm sure, as soon as the snow and colder temps are here for real.

A quick rundown on the week of vacation. Let's see, I left you with the events of Tuesday. Wednesday I did a few chores around the place, then picked up my uncle Russ Mattson and we went to the Boondocks for lunch. Before we left his house, I hung up a sign that the wind had blown down, and changed a light bulb in the outside light. Then to Ivan's to get ready to hunt. Jerry joined us and we went to Cranberry Creek area. Thursday I did some chores for Ivan, picked up his birthday present (beer, peanuts and apples) and then had brunch at the Boondocks. We sat in trees for 3 hrs(me) and 4 hrs(Ivan) and got completely cold.

I particularly like the view of the woods just to the east of the Lodge. Anyway, on Friday I slept in, and spent the late afternoon sitting in a tree in Ottertail country. Saturday I did a bunch of tasks around the homestead, kept a fire in the Lodge and guarded the recliner in late afternoon. Sunday I started working in the poplar woods at about 10:00AM, Chuck showed up about 11:00 and we cut and skidded until 5:00. I just realized.... I HAVE TO GO TO WORK TOMORROW. WAAHHH.......
Remember this from one of the first editions of the blog? That was the year we first started doing a little taxidermy. I have only done one mount, but Ivan and Jerry have done several each. One of those little projects for that dead time in February. This photo was taken in the workshop area of the Ottertail.

And here is a current view of the Lodge, taken Saturday, one of the snowy days. Note the smoke from the chimney... that means it's warm in there.
____________Hey, carve that pumpkin, would ya???____________

We had some snow in Mountain while visiting Liz and Dennis the birthday boy! All gone by morning! Pansies still blooming here in Marinette!
Nice you stopped by Russell's. Bet he was happy to see you and have a couple things done. Hope he is ready for winter.
Miss sleeping in the lodge at Christmas time! Welcoming sight, the smoke drifting from the chimney.
Glad to hear you are seeing Russ once in a while. I have to call him soon. I baked a cake today to take to Dennis tonight for his birthday. Kate will go with me. Nice to see the pictures of the place but not the snow. Keep up the good work of putting pictures out here.
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