
O.K., so it's the holiday season, time to play new "renditions" of old carols. I take great liberties with the melodies, chords, etc, cause I can't play them 'correctly'. But I have fun and Peg does not put in ear plugs, so....

The turkeys occasionally land up in a tree that is really to small for them to perch in properly. It's fun to watch them teeter there for a few moments and then flap back to the ground.

I have had lots of viewing of turkeys these last weeks.

On Dec. 16th & 17th, Rosie was here for a change of pace. She just finished all her school stuff for this semester and needed some sit-around time.

We cooked a big batch of spaghetti sauce. It was really good, if I do say so.

Later in the day Donna came down and we all ate spaghetti, garlic bread and corn.

And then the games came out and there was total concentration, except for me. I just sat around and loafed....

A good one for this time of year. Every letterbox drops 'Santa letters' directly onto his desk. Sweet!!
Gee, but I love listening.... nothing much more relaxing the listening to Gene play the piano... or the guitar for that matter... or anything actually. :)
The turkeys have been a hoot to watch... we have certainly had a bunch of them at times.
It was great to spend some time with Rosie..and Mom enjoyed her time down here, both supper and the games too..
Thanks for coming home Rosie...and Gene, thanks for the spagetti,. it's always wonderful.
Merry Christmas everyone.
I'm looking forward to hearing you play some of your instruments one of these days!
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