O.K., day two. I woke up with a scratchy throat, must be delayed reaction of all the people at work walking around for weeks hacking, sniffing and sneezing. This had better go away, and quick!! I stayed in much of the day, went out only to pull a little snow off the house roof, and later to put wood in the stove, throw out a little corn and change the memory card in the Ottercam. Did some catch up photo organizing on the puter, snoozed in the recliner, etc........ We'll see what tomorrow brings.

These are the turkeys I mentioned before. I think there were 42 out there.

Yee, ha!!! Rafting on the sidewalk!!
Really enjoying your blog. Glad you can have the month to work, play or whatever you desire. We met Duane Barr one time in Ogema when we were at the senior center for flu shots. He is quite a traveler I guess. Has been many places in the world. Keep up the good work.
The turkeys really are cool. One morning we were able see them roosting in the trees on the edge of the woods... and watch as they flew down.... one or two at a time... They were coming in from the east/south east/south sides.... and converging on the corn pile.... It was fun watching them scurry towards their breakfast. It was a sight I had never seen before. It really is enjoyable living at "the end of the road", in the north country. always something interesting to see or do, and having a nice man to do it with is wonderful too.
Hope you are feeling better - don't want to spend your vacation sick! Thanks for all the cool pictures - its a nice reminder of the beauty of the northwoods!
are you well yet?
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