
On December 24th, we went to Peg's mom's house. Rose, Bryn, Chris, Ashley and Hailee were all able to be there. The room looked quite festive, and Donna's children, neices and nephews and grandchildren were there.

The young ladies of the family.

Sandy Claws made a visit while we were there and brought everyone a Christmas stocking full of goodies..... I could not put all the photos on here, so I chose to put up those that I thought were visiting this site. If I missed someone, please leave a comment so I know you are viewing.... :-)

Adam, Kristi's husband.

And Kristi.

I could not get rid of those red eye pupils.....! But these two were having such a good time that I could not resist showing it.




Donna always gets that large size bag of goodies.......

Hailee and Phillip (Kent and Liz's son) seemed to have a good time. Phillip has a nice suit, no?

Of course we had to have a couple of games of table tennis after the main activities...

We had to work off that good supper.....
yay! i've been waiting for this post!!! (day and night, apparently...)
Thanks for all the photos with Santa!! A good time was had by all! The food - and SOME of the gifts - were excellent :-)
Yup, the post, and the "adventure at mom's" were both great...
It was so nice that EVERYONE was able to make it there this year... This was definitely "one to remember".
Enjoyed the pictures. Must have been a fun day. Seem to be having a session with my sciatic (sp?) nerve and just came from the doc. He prescribed some pain pills. Want to be able to go downstairs for dinner this eve.and see the New Year in.
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