I finally got that haymower to work and got the fields done. The ground is rough for mowing, no plowing or disking lately and logging trucks and skidders have been using the field. See the blob in the top left of this photo?

Yes, that's the load of firewood delivered a week and a half ago. After finishing the siding and deck leveling, we planned to start cutting the wood last Saturday.

Ivan came down about 8:00 in the morning and by 11:00 A.M. we were done. Peggy had put some venison loin on the grill and had cooked potatoes, onions, green peppers and cherry tomatoes. A great lunch after a hot morning of sawing.

Ivan, as usual, worked like a trooper! I'll have to figure out a way to pay him back for his help.....

The load was seven pulp cords. A cord of pulp is 128 cubic feet, or a pile of 8 foot long wood that is 4 feet long and 4 feet high. We sawed the wood into 25" lengths, so we got 4 equal pieces from each pulp stick. (That's because the pulp is really 100" long instead of 8 feet) So we expected to get about 14 piles of firewood that would measure 2 feet deep by 4feet high by 8 feet long. Turned out to be about 13 piles, cause the wood stacks up so much tighter in firewood length than it does in 100" lengths.

We got this out right after the wasps started stinging me.....

They were imported with the wood in this nest in a hollow spot in a tree. I only got stung twice, luckily. We doused the nest and spent the rest of the cutting time with a wary eye for wasps. No more stings for anyone......
Following are some views of the splitting and stacking work on Saturday afternoon and Monday evening.

In the background is the building that this wood will keep warm this winter.... I hope.
The brochure from the stove certainly makes the unit appear to be an attractive addition to any yard. We'll see....
I gotta go, Carlo
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