
Each day gets us a little closer. Here I'm installing the 4" solid blocks for the base, per the dealer's sketch. Hope it works. We got the form box out easily from around the pipe and back filled and used the compactor on the whole works.

We had started back filling the trench last evening, and tonight we put some of the sod back in. We set it a little high, as Peg suggested, to guard against too much settling and a low spot in the yard. As long as we had the compactor, I thought I would run it over the sod and it's all level now. Not sure if that was a good thing or not.

Things are starting to look a little better in the yard, most of the trench is filled in and the dirt around the 'wood piling area' has been raked out and roots and rocks picked.

A few more days and the yard will be back to normal. I need to get the hole in the basement wall plugged up with hydraulic cement, finish backfilling near the house, pick up the piles of roots and stones and it's pretty much done. The boiler is due to show up sometime this week!! As soon as the outside work is done, I'll drain the boiler in the house and start the modifications to the piping in there..... no shortage of stuff to do around here this summer.
I gotta go, Carlo
Hope everything works out ok with your stove project. Hope you and Peggy can sit with your feet up this winter and be nice and toasty.
Me too. It really should make an amazing difference, both in heating costs and in the general temperature too.
Remember LC, you can come up anytime and "toast" your feet too.... if you like.
Thanks, Peg, will try to do that. Muriel and I may come up that way on the 12th. We will go to visit my brother, Larry, first and come over that way for a couple days, ok???????Hope that is not the time when you will be gone. Lucy
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