
I'm not kidding, it's dry up here... even the lilac hedge is suffering. Wilted leaves on lilacs and mock orange. Some poplar trees, usually latest to lose leaves, are looking quite yellow and ready to give up.

While working outside last night, Peg said "Look at this, the ground is cracking!". Right in front of the big shed the ground is so dry that it has split....

Things are about ready outside, a little back filling by the house left to do, should get that done tomorrow night.

I managed to get the hydraulic cement mixed and inserted in the space around the pipe. That is some weird stuff, sets up really fast. Soon I will be able to move my efforts indoors and start working on modifying the indoor boiler piping. On, goodie....
I gotta go, Carlo
Hello Ivan, Since I found out that you no longer have the ability to enter comments from the computer at work, but that you still check and read the blog often, I thought I would take this opportunity to thank you for your continued viewing and for your past comments. They sure have brought a smile or two :) to many faces over the years that Carlo has had this blog. To everyone else, we just wanted you to know that we appreciate any words that you put on here too. We ook forward to reading your comments as much as you look forward to reading the blog.
Mom and I stopped by the new cabin that Pat and the crew are building. It appears to be totally enclosed now, and fully sided. Gene helped carry in a wood burning stove last night for up there. It's coming along nicely. What a nice bunch of people up there. Mom even mentioned that she sees why Carlo spends time with these "boys". :)
Gene is off work for the rest of the week, so he can focus on the piping etc for both the old boiler and the new process to be ready to hook up the boiler when it gets here. He's pretty amazing. Haven't found anything yet that he couldn't do.
Looking forward to Lucy's visit in September.
hugs to all again.
What a lot of work. Sorry to see how dry it is up there. We need rain down here too. Supposed to do that tomorrow!!!!!
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