Apple tree is loaded this year. Looks like some branches will need support. I hope we get some rain soon or the apples may suffer.

We woke up one morning to find this limb on the big silver maple hanging down to the ground. No wind, the next photo will show....

that the limb broke at a weak spot caused by a damaged limb a number of years ago.

So we tackled that Saturday morning and got it cleaned up. The only good thing about it was the aerial logging :-)

It left a noticeable hole in the canopy, and parts of the lawn are in shock from the sunlight that normally never hits those spots....

Next, we dived into a MAJOR cleaning of the basement and furnace room in anticipation of the wood boiler install work. Also the electrician is coming next week to change out the main breaker panel in the basement and hook up the wire I buried last fall for the garage feed!! I'll finally get that extension cord out of the yard. I almost wrecked it a last winter with the snow plow and I cut it off once this summer with the lawn mower...... sheesh!

So this week evenings we started in on the layout of the new boiler and wood storage area. We put some stakes in the lawn where they will be, and I started in on digging the trench for the water piping. This is as far as I got tonight, almost to where the stove will sit.

I didn't dig it down to full depth by the house, I though I would wait with that until the rest is done and I'm ready to break a hole in the foundation and put the pipe in. Hope the rain comes AFTER I'm done with that bit. I was careful at the start as I knew the power cable for the shed and lodge ran through the lawn and would cross the pipe trench. Here it is....

I visited a fellow worker, Eugene Ritchie, to look at his install of the same kind of boiler at his house that he did last year. Got to see some of what I'm going to be doing on this one. His set-up is for a forced air furnace, so it will be different here for parts of it.

One good thing that I'm looking forward to is having nephew Kent helping out with the install. I have been talking about this stove for years and asking Kent about them. He used to install these boilers and he volunteered to help!! I hope our schedules work out.....
We have both been working way too many hours at work, a steady string of big projects at home, and I think we're both looking forward to winter and some time to sit and stare.....
I gotta go, Carlo
So sad, too bad, about the lovely silver maple. What will we do when if finally goes?? thanks for all the lovely pictures. The old apple tree looks productive. Keep up the good work. Hope the stove works out ok.
I spent hours under that tree, during warm summer days and even during those light showers that seemed to come from nowhere.
I hope the maple outlasts me.
Have you planted any of the seeds nearby?
I planted a few of the volunteer seedlings from the flower bed to a location at the edge of the lawn a number of years ago. The deer ate them....
so, now this year, we'll know better, and put some sort of guarding around them... good idea boo
good reminder Boo, I mean. we really should go gather some "little ones" while we can... and guard them properly.. till they can "fend for themselves". :)
Actually, they're springing up all over, even in the driveway. It is so dry, I hope some of them make it.
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